Saturday, June 21, 2014

Puerto Rico's financial crisis may need a Washington solution: "All the while, the size of government in Puerto Rico has continued to grow dramatically, with a Keynesian excess that is being championed by a political class that appears to have forsaken the private sector. Today, 60 percent of the island’s residents rely on government for jobs or basic needs, like housing and food subsidies."

Puerto Rico's financial crisis may need a Washington solution

After nine years of economic stagnation, Puerto Rico is in desperate need of private investment, as the island teeters on financial collapse.
Nevertheless, the Puerto Rican government has done little to foster the confidence of investors. Instead, it has embarked on a spending spree fueled by a risky cycle of taxation and borrowing that threatens to chill private investment.
Budget deficit financing became the norm. More than $70 billion in long-term debt was accumulated with little to show for it. Now, Puerto Rico's runaway spending appears to have reached its limits. Constitutional restrictions on additional debt issuance have been reached and the commonwealth's credit was downgraded to junk level.
This should be cause for great alarm not just on the island but also in Washington, where policymakers may have to step in amid increasing calls to provide a bailout that would dwarf the massive infusion of federal aid Detroit received after it went bankrupt.
Even as the government undertakes important cost-saving efforts to restructure burdensome public employees' pensions, the situation on the island becomes increasingly dire with each passing week. Most recently, a public dispute erupted between the government and one of the island's leading banks, Doral. At issue is more than $230 million that the bank claims Puerto Rico's Treasury Department owes it. The dispute has already reached the courts.
Not only is this dispute drawing renewed attention to the island’s fiscal woes, it also has the potential to send an unsettling message to investors — that the government doesn’t honor its debts.
In this context, Gov. Alejandro Padilla must fill the leadership void and lead his administration in confronting the insidious dynamics threatening the island's prosperity, including vociferous labor unions content with the status quo and a private sector convinced it is under siege by a revenue-starved government.
Up to now, the government response to the fiscal crisis has been clumsy and ineffective, to say the least. Among other things, it has sought to generate revenues entirely on the backs of middle-class taxpayers, business owners and others in the private sector who make significant contributions to the economy.
The government has come up with a barrage of senseless tax measures, such as the controversial one to require local businesses to pay taxes based on their gross income in a given year, even if the businesses actually wound up with net losses that year.
Then there is an absurd tax proposal that seeks to siphon $9.8 million a year from an agency responsible for insuring the deposits individuals have in savings and credit cooperatives. If that were not bad enough, the money siphoned from the insurance fund has a dubious purpose: to provide $50 million in subsidies to the cattle and milk industry. Fortunately, the Legislature has seen the light and this legislative proposal has no chance of passing. (We could only hope that reason prevails in the Treasury-Doral dispute with a quick settlement.)
All the while, the size of government in Puerto Rico has continued to grow dramatically, with a Keynesian excess that is being championed by a political class that appears to have forsaken the private sector. Today, 60 percent of the island’s residents rely on government for jobs or basic needs, like housing and food subsidies.
Is it any wonder, then, that Puerto Rico’s credit rating has been downgraded to junk status? Or that real estate on the island has lost about 40 percent of its value? Or that Puerto Rico is hemorrhaging capital as well as experiencing an exodus of residents seeking economic opportunity on the mainland?
For Puerto Rico to climb out of its current hole, it must make some tough decisions. For starters, it must get over the seemingly insatiable appetite is has for private-sector income. Continuing to raid the insurance fund for credit unions, or outright reneging on tax credit agreements with local financial institutions, can only have a damaging effect on the confidence of ordinary citizens and investors.
In addition, current government expenditures must be drastically cut. Hefty annual surpluses must be generated and sustained for the next decade. These savings would then be leveraged to finance a sustained investment effort strategically directed to modernize and expand the island's productive capacity.
More than that, the populist mentality that gave rise to big government must now yield to policies that shift the center of gravity in the commonwealth toward the productive sectors of the economy. And finally, the government must be willing to confront the unreasonable demands of labor unions, whose members have become accustomed to concessions that the government can no longer afford.
Only then will Puerto Rico position itself to emerge from a crisis that has the potential to ensnare U.S. policymakers as well as threaten the economic security of future generations on the island.
Elías R. Gutiérrez is a professor in the Graduate School of Planning at the University of Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico's financial crisis may need a Washington solution - Washington Examiner

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Jackson Sun

Puerto Rico's financial crisis may need a Washington solution
Washington Examiner
All the while, the size of government in Puerto Rico has continued to grow dramatically, with a Keynesian excess that is being championed by a politicalclass that appears to have forsaken the private sector. Today, 60 percent of the island's residents ...
A Vision for a New Puerto RicoPanAm Post (blog)

all 28 news articles »

Puerto Rico Tells UN it Needs Sovereignty to Overcome Crisis - Prensa Latina

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Puerto Rico Tells UN it Needs Sovereignty to Overcome Crisis
Prensa Latina
United Nations, Jun 20 (Prensa Latina) Puerto Rico faces a serious deterioration in its economy and social conditions, and sovereign decisions are needed to overcome it, pro-independence fighter Wilma Reveron Collazo said here. ... The initiative, to ...

New york city council speaker dedicates puerto rican parade ...

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But when the Popular Democratic Party (which is the local party in Puerto Rico that supports the island's current territory status, as well as has been spreading misinformation about Puerto Rico politics, including its political ...

Alliance Between Anti-Statehood Parties in Puerto Rico: The ...

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Some federal officials uninitiated in Puerto Rico status politics seem surprised that the local politicalparty advocating perpetuation of the current status is now colluding with the local independence party in an anti-statehood ...

Absent Major Changes, Puerto Rico Faces a Fiscal Calamity: "Puerto Rico needs to stop spending, and it can start with its bloated bureaucracy. Some 24% of all jobs are in government, compared with 16% in the U.S. Other fixable problems include what The Economist calls "inflated benefit payments, for disability for instance, [that] discourage work" as well as "stunted infrastructure and crime"... The U.S. is not going to bail Puerto Rico out - and there is no reason to. The territory, especially if it has aspirations for statehood, must learn to live within its means and, like every other responsible government, meet its obligations."

Absent Major Changes, Puerto Rico Faces a Fiscal Calamity

By James Glassman
As U.S. officials and private investors become more concerned about the financial fate of Puerto Rico after nearly a decade of economic decline, attention has turned to an $8.5 billion bank, which may be the key to whether this island of 3.7 million people flourishes or self-destructs.
Puerto Rico's recession is now in its eighth year. The closely watched Economic Activity Index has plummeted from 155 to 128; the unemployment rate, at 14.1%, is more than twice that of the mainland U.S., and the total number of workers has dropped from 1.3 million at its peak in December 2006 to just under 1 million in April.
U.S. officials are worried because Puerto Rico, a territory acquired through an invasion during the Spanish-American War in 1898, is as much America's responsibility as a state.
Unless changes occur soon, the island appears headed for fiscal calamity. Government debt has doubled in a decade to $70 billion. That is, as theWall Street Journal put it, "gigantic compared with the roughly $18 billion owed by Detroit when it filed in July for the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history."
U.S. financial officials have been meeting for months to figure out what to do. As a headline on the website of the National Legal and Policy Center put it, "Will Puerto Rican Bonds Trigger a Mainland Bailout?"
According to The Economist magazine, when compared to other U.S. states and territories, "The island's current the third-largest behind California's and New York's, despite a smaller and poorer population." Not only is Puerto Rico smaller and poorer, its economy isn't growing, so it has shaky prospects of paying the debt back. Personal and corporate income tax revenues are down by one-third since 2007.
In 2000, President Clinton set up a task force on Puerto Rico's political status, and in 2009 President Obama expanded its mandate to income economic affairs. "The Task Force," according to one of its 2011 report, "frequently heard from stakeholders that Puerto Rico, given sufficient support and opportunity, could become the ‘Singapore' of the Caribbean Like Singapore, a tiny island that today boasts an advanced market-based economy and one of the world's busiest ports, Puerto Rico could also emerge as a hub in the Americas." The report then listed boilerplate recommendations like "Investing in Education" and "Improving Knowledge About Workers' Rights."
Puerto Rico is no Singapore. It's been acting more like Venezuela or Argentina. But it can improve its economy by taking some simple steps to start:
1) live within its means by cutting spending, and
2) establish a strong rule of law by living up to its obligations
Puerto Rico has a classic moral hazard problem as a U.S. territory with special tax breaks: people want to lend it money, and, in recent years, the answer to a poor economy has been to borrow.
In February, Moody's and Standard & Poor's downgraded Puerto Rico's general obligation debt (bonds that are backed by the island's full taxing power) two notches to junk status. That didn't stop Puerto Rico the next month from issuing $3.5 billion in new G.O. bonds, carrying an 8% coupon and maturing in 2035. In trading May 29, those bonds were yielding 9.2%.
No wonder nearly three-quarters of U.S. mutual funds hold Puerto Rican bonds, according to a February survey by Morningstar. To U.S. investors, interest on Puerto Rico bonds is exempt from federal, state, and local taxes. An American in a 40% bracket gets a tax-equivalent yield of a whopping 15.3%. That compares to a yield of 3.2% for a U.S. Treasury bond or a tax-equivalent 7.2% for a typical 20-year G.O. issued by a U.S. state.
Puerto Rico needs to stop spending, and it can start with its bloated bureaucracy. Some 24% of all jobs are in government, compared with 16% in the U.S. Other fixable problems include what The Economist calls "inflated benefit payments, for disability for instance, [that] discourage work" as well as "stunted infrastructure and crime."
This is no Singapore. But perhaps it could be. One of the hallmarks of a great economy is legal certainty, an intangible but valuable asset. A reliable government does what it says it will do, and the courts and tax collectors can be trusted. Rule of law prevails.
The second step for Puerto Rico is to restore faith in the rule of law by meeting its obligations. That would attract the foreign capital that's absolutely necessary to revive the island.
Which brings us to that bank, Doral Financial Corporation, founded in 1972. It grew from a small mortgage company to Puerto Rico's largest residential lender. Now with 22 branches on the island and eight in New York and Florida, Doral a decade ago overpaid its taxes.
Over seven years, Puerto Rico's Treasury Department and Doral entered into a series of agreements about the size of the refund and the timing. But if you examine the records, there's no doubt that Doral is owed the money, which now amounts to about $230 million.
"Honoring debts is not only a constitutional but a moral obligation," Alejandro Padilla, Puerto Rico's governor, told investors last October. He was talking about the island's bonds, but he was also being hypocritical. The government has a constitutional and moral debt to Doral too, and by not paying it, Puerto Rico is sending the worst possible message to other businesses. Who would want to do invest in a country whose government refuses to pay what it owes?
"It is not an option for the government of Puerto Rico to issue that refund," said economist Robert Shapiro, a former top official in the Clinton administration. "They are legally, politically, and morally obliged to do so."
Shapiro added, in a telephone media conference last week: "By refusing to honor its obligations, the Puerto Rican government joins such deadbeat sovereigns as Argentina, which will measurably reduce the flow of direct investments to Puerto Rico."
But, instead of paying Doral or negotiating an equitable settlement with a bank that is counting on the funds to meet capital requirements, the Puerto Rican government on May 16 decided to declare its longstanding tax agreement null and void. The government reversed its position on May 16 and said that original agreement by Puerto to pay the refund was the result of a "simulation or illicit artifice."
Investors watching this circus can't be amused. Nor can Puerto Ricans themselves.Reuters reported last month, "Puerto Rico's April tax collections suffered a big collapse" - a 27% shortfall on projections. Who would want to run the risk of overpaying - and then be treated like Doral, waiting years for a legitimate refund?
Almost certainly, the reluctance to pay taxes has even deeper roots: doubt about the efficiency and even legitimacy of the Puerto Rican government itself. Overcoming such a lack of confidence may not be easy, but the first steps are clear: restore fiscal sanity to the budget and pay debts, like the one to Doral, that the government clearly owes.
The U.S. is not going to bail Puerto Rico out - and there is no reason to. The territory, especially if it has aspirations for statehood, must learn to live within its means and, like every other responsible government, meet its obligations.
James K. Glassman, former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, is a Visiting Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.  

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Absent Major Changes, Puerto Rico Faces a Fiscal Calamity

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In 2000, President Clinton set up a task force on Puerto Rico's political status, and in 2009 President Obama expanded its mandate to income economic affairs. "The Task Force," according to one of its 2011 report, "frequently ...

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Colonia or Colony? | Puerto Rico Report 

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US Flags with 51 Stars Placed Around Puerto Rico to ...

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Such results have become a topic of political controversy (surprise, surprise, it's Puerto Rico), and as of 2014, the status question has since taken a back seat to other political and economic problems on the island. Last year ...

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Pope Francis excommunicates mobsters 

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Pope Francis announced that members of the Mafia are excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
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