Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Puerto Rican Population Declines on Island, Grows on U.S. Mainland - Pew Research Center: "This report explores the demographic and economic characteristics of Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin, both on the island of Puerto Rico and on the U.S. mainland."

Puerto Rican Population Declines on Island, Grows on U.S. Mainland

Puerto Rico Lost More Migrants to Mainland Since 2010 Than During 1980s or 1990sPuerto Ricans have left the financially troubled island for the U.S. mainland this decade in their largest numbers since the Great Migration after World War II, citing job-related reasons above all others.
U.S. Census Bureau data show that 144,000 more people left the island for the mainland than the other way around from mid-2010 to 2013, a larger gap between emigrants and migrants than during the entire decades of the 1970s, 1980s or 1990s. This escalated loss of migrants fueled the island’s first sustained population decline in its history as a U.S. territory, even as the stateside Puerto Rican population grew briskly.
The search for economic opportunity is the most commonly given explanation for moving by island-born Puerto Ricans who relocated to the mainland from 2006 to 2013, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.1 A plurality (42%) gave job-related reasons for moving stateside, compared with 38% who gave family-related reasons. Among all immigrants from foreign countries who migrated over the same time period, a similar share gave job-related reasons (41%), while 29% said they migrated for family reasons. Mexican-b0rn immigrants were even more likely to cite job-related reasons (62%), while 25% cited family reasons.
Why Do Island-Born Puerto Ricans Move to the U.S. Mainland?Puerto Ricans who arrived from the island since 2000 are different from earlier waves of Puerto Rican migrants. For example, recent migrants are less likely than earlier migrants were to settle in traditional Northeast communities and more likely to live in the South, especially in Florida. More recent Puerto Rican arrivals from the island are also less well off than earlier migrants, with lower household incomes and a greater likelihood of living in poverty.
Most migrants from the island were born there. But among the recent migration wave, the departures of mainland-born Puerto Ricans have played a disproportionate role in the island’s population loss. Overall, mainland-born Puerto Ricans make up 4% of Puerto Ricans on the island, yet from 2000 to 2012, fully a third of the net loss of Hispanic Puerto Ricans on the island was due to departures of mainland-born Puerto Ricans.
The departures of island-born Puerto Ricans have contributed to an uptick in the number of island-born Puerto Ricans living stateside, to 1.4 million in 2012, up from 1.3 million in 2000. The island born, however, are a smaller group than the faster-growing mainland-born Puerto Ricans, who numbered 3.4 million in 2012, up from 2 million in 2000.2
As the island population has dwindled and the mainland population has grown, the number of stateside Puerto Ricans reached a record 4.9 million in 2012, and since at least 2006 has exceeded the number of Puerto Ricans on the island (3.5 million in 2012). Meanwhile, the overall population in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico, including both Hispanics and non-Hispanics, declined to 3.6 million in 2013, according to U.S. Census Bureau population estimates.3

Puerto Ricans on the U.S. Mainland

Puerto Rican Population Grows on Mainland, Declines on IslandOn the mainland, Puerto Ricans are the second largest Hispanic origin group (Brown and Patten, 2014), following Mexicans (34 million in 2012) and ahead of Cubans (2 million) and Salvadorans (2 million). Compared with other U.S. Hispanics, Puerto Ricans overall are somewhat worse off on several indicators of well-being. They have lower median household incomes and a lower homeownership rate, and are more likely to be poor. However, Puerto Ricans overall (especially those born on the mainland) have higher education levels than other U.S. Hispanics.
The overall numbers for the U.S. Puerto Rican population, though, mask substantial differences in the growth and demographic profiles of those born on the mainland versus those born on the island. The growth in the stateside Puerto Rican population has been driven mainly by mainland-born Puerto Ricans, whose numbers rose 67% from 2000 to 2012, compared with 11% for island-born Puerto Ricans during that period.
Selected Demographics of Puerto Ricans, 2012Mainland-born Puerto Ricans are younger and have higher household incomes, and their children or elderly are less likely to be in poverty. They are more likely to have attended college than their island-born counterparts.
The stateside Puerto Rican origin population once was very highly concentrated in the Northeast, especially New York, but now is more widely dispersed. About half (52%) of Puerto Ricans lived in the Northeast in 2012, compared with three-quarters (74%) who did so in 1980. The population in other regions of the U.S. has grown more rapidly—most notably in the South, which housed less than 10% of the Puerto Rican population in 1980 and now is home to 30%.
Puerto Ricans born on the mainland and island are about equally likely to live in the Northeast, but island-born Puerto Ricans are more likely to live in the South (37% did in 2012, compared with 27% of mainland-born Puerto Ricans.). Mainland-born Puerto Ricans are somewhat more likely to live in the West (10% to 4%). Similar shares of each group live in the Midwest (10% of the mainland born and 8% of the island born).
The South—particularly Florida—has been the top regional destination in recent years for Puerto Ricans moving from the island to the mainland and for Puerto Ricans relocating from other regions within the U.S. However, New York has been the single biggest state magnet for migrants: According to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, among Puerto Ricans between 2006-2012, 31% of moves from the island to the mainland and 20% of moves from one state to another state were to the Empire State.

Puerto Ricans on the Island

As U.S. citizens, people born in Puerto Rico can move to the 50 states or District of Columbia without restrictions, and there is a long Puerto Rican tradition of back-and-forth migration between the island and mainland.
Puerto Rico’s Population Projected to Decline Through 2050However, the gap between the number of departures and arrivals has widened in recent years, according to U.S. Census Bureau data that indicate a growing net loss of migrants. That loss, as well as the island’s relatively low birth rate, has produced its recent population decline.
The island’s total population (including Hispanics and non-Hispanics) decreased by about 200,000 people from 2000 to 2013, with about two-thirds of Puerto Rican municipalities having lost population during those years (see maps TK). The Census Bureau projects the island’s population loss will continue gradually through at least 2050, when about 3 million people will live there.4
About a third of all people born on Puerto Rico—34% in 2013, according to data from the United Nations and U.S. Census Bureau—now live on the mainland.5 That share has increased since 1990, when it was 30%. By another estimate, the proportion of people ages 16 and older born in Puerto Rico who live on the U.S. mainland rose to 34% in 2011 compared with 30.1% in 2006 (Mora, Davila and Rodriguez, 2014).

Historic and Recent Population Patterns

Measuring Migration from Puerto Rico to the Mainland

One challenge in comparing current migration from Puerto Rico with that of the great migration wave of the 1950s and 1960s is a shortage of reliable data. In previous decades, estimates were made mainly using figures for airline passenger traffic between the island and mainland. However, U.S. Census Bureau researchers have concluded that this method produced estimates that were too high (Christenson, 2001).
Using passenger-traffic data, the Census Bureau had estimated that from 1980 to 1990, 288,163 more people left Puerto Rico for the mainland than arrived from there. Using a new method based on data from the Census Bureau and Immigration and Naturalization Service (now Department of Homeland Security), the bureau in 2001 lowered that estimate to 126,465. The bureau also estimated that from 1990 to 2000, the island lost 111,336 more people to the mainland than it gained. For 2000 to 2010, the bureau estimated Puerto Rico had a net loss of 192,000 people younger than 65 (Bhaskar et al, 2013). More recent Census Bureau estimates put the net loss for all age groups at 144,000 for 2010 to 2013.
Migration from the island was relatively low during the 1970s; even using the passenger-traffic method, it was less than 27,000 (Duany, 2003). Therefore, recent migration from the island is the highest since at least the 1960s.
Puerto Rico’s recent population downturn reverses a general pattern of growth on the island since at least the 1700s, as documented by Spanish and U.S. Census Bureau data. The United States won control of Puerto Rico from Spain in 1898; the first U.S. census taken there, in 1910, counted more than 1.1 million residents. By 1990, the population had more than tripled, to 3.5 million, and peaked at 4 million in 2009. But by 2013, the island’s population had diminished to 3.6 million.6
The years since 2000 have seen the largest wave of migration from Puerto Rico since the “Great Migration” in the 1950s and 1960s (Rodríguez Ayuso, Santana and Santiago, 2013; see text box). According to Census Bureau researchers, the island had a net loss to the mainland of 192,000 migrants younger than 65 for the years from the 2000 census to the 2010 census (Bhaskar et al, 2013). From July 2010 to July 2013, about 144,000 more people of all ages left the island for the mainland than the other way around, according to Census Bureau population estimates. (Most but not all were Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin.)

The Island’s Economic Crisis

The onset of an economic crisis in 2006 that weakened the already-listless Puerto Rican economy likely played a role in the island’s accelerated population decline. More recent migrants to the mainland have been found to be less educated than those who remain on the island and more likely to hold less skilled jobs (Mora, Davila and Rodriguez, 2014).

About The Term “Puerto Rican”

When the term “Puerto Ricans” is used in this report, it usually means people who self-identify as Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin; most statistics and analysis included here are about this group. Sometimes, “Puerto Ricans” is used to refer to the total population of the island of Puerto Rico, in which case that is clearly stated. However, the two groups are quite similar. As of 2012, Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin made up 96% of the population of the island of Puerto Rico.
Some Census Bureau statistics about the island used in this report are only available for the total population, and not specifically for Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin. They include the 2013 population (not yet released for Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin at the time this report was published), as well as net migration statistics (departures from the island minus arrivals). In addition, counts for Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin on the island are not available before 2000 because the Hispanic-origin question was not asked on the island census until then.
According to a 2012 report on the Puerto Rican economy by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, “Puerto Rico’s economic progress has stalled: the Island has been operating below its potential for some time and the competitiveness of the economy continues to deteriorate.” The report cited persistently high unemployment and a low labor force participation rate, as well as heavy reliance on transfer payments such as food stamps (Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 2012).
The island’s recent economic crisis was fueled both by the overall U.S. recession and factors unique to the island. These included an end to longstanding Puerto Rican government corporate tax breaks in 2006, which led to business shutdowns and public- and private-sector layoffs. More recently, the three major ratings agencies downgraded Puerto Rico’s debt to junk status this year, citing its long history of economic weakness (New York Times, 2014). The island’s debt burden began to grow after government expenses began outstripping revenues in the late 1990s (Federal Reserve, 2012).
Still, the 2012 Federal Reserve Bank of New York report also pointed to strengths in the island’s economy, such as improving levels of schooling and a bilingual workforce. The island also benefits from ties to the U.S. and the easy access of island residents to the mainland.
This report mainly analyzes the demographic and economic characteristics of Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin living in the 50 U.S. states and District of Columbia, including comparisons of those born on the mainland and island, as well as characteristics of Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin living in Puerto Rico. It compares these various groups with each other and with other U.S. Hispanics. In addition, the report examines characteristics of recent migrants from Puerto Rico to the mainland and compares them with earlier migrants. Demographic analysis is based mainly on tabulations from the Census Bureau’s 2012 American Community Survey and the 2012 Puerto Rico Community Survey.

About This Report

This report explores the demographic and economic characteristics of Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin, both on the island of Puerto Rico and on the U.S. mainland. It also analyzes characteristics of recent migrants from the island to the mainland and compares them with those of previous waves of migrants. The data in this report come from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, Puerto Rican Community Survey, Current Population Survey, decennial censuses and annual population estimates.
This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals on the staff of the Pew Research Center. Editorial guidance came from Director of Hispanic Research Mark Hugo Lopez. D’Vera Cohn, senior writer, wrote the report’s overview and demographic chapters, based mainly on analysis by Eileen Patten, research analyst, who also prepared most of its charts and tables. Danielle Cuddington, research assistant, assembled data for the Puerto Rico maps that are in this report and online. The authors thank Jeffrey S. Passel, senior demographer, for his expertise on data use. The authors also thank Edwin Melendez of Hunter College and participants at the American Society of Hispanic Economists’ session “The Puerto Rican Economy, Migration and Employment Outcomes” at the 2014 Western Economic Association conference for comments on a previous version of the report. Anna Brown, research assistant, number-checked the report and charts; Molly Rohal, communications associate, copy-edited the report. Find related reports from the Pew Research Center online at pewresearch.org/hispanic.

A Note on Terminology

The terms “Latino” and “Hispanic” are used interchangeably in this report.
“Puerto Rican,” unless otherwise specified, refers to those who self-identify as Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin, either because they were born in Puerto Rico or trace their family ancestry there.
“U.S. mainland” or “mainland” or “stateside” refer to the 50 states (including Alaska and Hawaii) and the District of Columbia. “Island” refers to Puerto Rico.

  1. Analysis is based on Current Population Survey data on island-born Puerto Ricans who moved to the mainland during these years; other data from the American Community Survey indicate that 93% moved directly from the island and the remainder from other U.S. territories or foreign countries. 
  2. In addition to these two groups, in 2012 there were 97,000 Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin living on the U.S. mainland who were born in another country or U.S. territory. 
  3. The population estimates are available here. The vast majority of Puerto Rican residents (99%) are Hispanic, and 96% are Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin, while Hispanics of Dominican origin (2%) are the second largest Hispanic origin group living on the island. 
  4. The Census Bureau’s population projections for Puerto Rico can be found at http://1.usa.gov/WGdgwP
  5. According to United Nations data, all but 1.6% of Puerto Ricans not living on the island live in the 50 U.S. states or District of Columbia. 
  6. According to annual Census Bureau population estimates, the island’s population grew by small amounts from 2000 to 2004, and in 2005 began to decline each year. 

2:01 PM 8/12/2014: Puerto Rico's drop in population mirrors 'Great Migration' -Pew - MSN Money | ‘Commonwealth’ Party Legislator Sponsors Statehood Plebiscite Bill | Police Files on Radicals Are at Center of a Lawsuit - New York Times | Jugando Pelota Dura: Análisis de la situación del PNP

Puerto Rico's drop in population mirrors 'Great Migration' -Pew - MSN Money

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Fox News Latino

Puerto Rico's drop in population mirrors 'Great Migration' -Pew
MSN Money
NEW YORK, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's decline in population this century represents the largest wave of migration from the island since the "Great Migration" in the 1950s and 1960s, according to a report released on Monday by the Pew Hispanic ...
More Than 1 Million More Puerto Ricans On US Mainland Than On Island, Study ...Fox News Latino
Puerto Rico's Population Plummets as Residents Move to US MainlandNBC Bay Area

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Puerto Ricans Immigrating To United States Mainland in ...

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According to a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, “Puerto Rico's economic progress has stalled: The island has been operating below its potential for some time and the competitiveness of the economy ...

Puerto Ricans Moving To United States Mainland In Record ...

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Puerto Ricans are picking up and moving to the continental United States in record numbers.According to a Pew Research poll released on Monday, Puerto Ricans are
moving to the United States mainland in
a number ...

Pew: Puerto Rico's Economic Collapse Triggers 'Great Migration' to US Mainland - Newsmax.com

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Pew: Puerto Rico's Economic Collapse Triggers 'Great Migration' to US Mainland
Puerto Rico's decline in population this century represents the largest wave of migration from the island since the "Great Migration" in the 1950s and 1960s, according to a report released on Monday by the Pew Hispanic Trends Project. The island had a ...

Study explores decline in Puerto Rican population on island, growth

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Study explores decline in Puerto Rican population on island, growth in states

Puerto Ricans have left the financially troubled island for the U.S. mainland th ...
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PBS NewsHour | Full Episode | Monday, August 11, 2014 - YouTube

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Published on Aug 11, 2014
Tonight on the program, we examine the situation in Iraq as current prime minister Nouri al-Maliki stayed defiant to the push for a new leader in the country. Also: looming security concerns in Somalia, the aftermath of the shooting of an unarmed 18-year-old in St. Louis suburb and the latest evolution in business of print newspapers.
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PBS NewsHour | Full Episode | Monday, August 11, 2014

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Tonight on the program, we examine the situation in Iraq as current prime minister Nouri al-Maliki stayed defiant to the push for a new leader in the country. Also: looming security concerns...
From: PBS NewsHour
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‘Commonwealth’ Party Legislator Sponsors Statehood Plebiscite Bill; Party Split Three Ways on Ballot Question

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A ‘Commonwealth’ party member of Puerto Rico’s House of Representatives today introduced a bill to have a plebiscite on statehood in the territory along with the 2016 general elections.
Carlos Vargas formalized the proposal of Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla’s predecessor as ‘Commonwealth’ party president. Former House Minority Leader Hector Ferrer left public life in 2012 amidst allegations that an investigation later found lacked sufficient evidence but recently said that he might challenge Garcia within their party for the gubernatorial nomination in 2016.
Garcia Padilla’s Secretary General of the ‘Commonwealth’ party, Jorge Suarez, said that the party’s Governing Board will consider Vargas’ proposal at a meeting originally scheduled for today but postponed until a date later this month still to be determined.
Garcia recently proposed that the territory have a plebiscite under a Federal law enacted in January. The law provided for a plebiscite on an option or options that can resolve the questions of Puerto Rico’s ultimate status and are found by the U.S. Department of Justice to not conflict with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the United States.
The Governor proposed that the plebiscite be on multiple options, including a new definition of “Commonwealth” proposed by former Governor Rafael Hernandez Colon that he endorsed. It would interpret rather than change the territory’s status.  The interpretation would claim that, although Puerto Rico remains subject to the broad powers of Congress to govern territories, Congress has given up the powers of all future Congresses to govern Puerto Rico on matters considered within the authority of States.
The proposal would also fund Puerto Rico equally with the States in all Federal social programs  and change the application of tax, trade, ocean freight, airline route laws to the territory.
Other party leaders want the “Commonwealth” option for a plebiscite or Puerto Rico Government status assembly to be a development of the party’s current definition of “Commonwealth.” Under it, Puerto Rico would become a nation but in a permanent arrangement with the U.S. in which the Commonwealth could limit Federal laws and court jurisdiction and enter into international trade and other agreements. At the same time the U.S. would be obligated to continue to provide Puerto Rico with U.S. citizenship, current program benefits for individuals, free entry to goods shipped from Puerto Rico, and a new budgetary subsidy to the local government.
Puerto Rico’s representative to the Federal government and statehood party president, Pedro Pierluisi, initially proposed having the plebiscite on statehood. The Commonwealth’s Resident Commissioner has led 131 other members of the U.S. House of Representatives and three U.S. senators in proposing Federal legislation for a statehood plebiscite.
The bills by Pierluisi and others would require the president of the United States to propose a plan for changing Federal spending and tax laws over a multi-year period to enable Puerto Rico to become a State if Puerto Ricans vote for the status a second time. The legislation would also pledge congressional approval of such a plan.
Puerto Ricans overwhelmingly chose statehood over nationhood in a plebiscite under local law held along with the 2012 elections after rejecting the current territory status, sometimes misleadingly called “Commonwealth” after the official name of the insular government.
Garcia has strongly opposed the statehood plebiscite idea.  He seems to be concerned that a statehood plebiscite would result in a second victory for the status.
Statehood, independence, and nationhood in an association with the U.S. that either nation can end are the possible options for the plebiscite that have significant support in Puerto Rico.
A “Commonwealth” proposal cannot be an option because it either cannot resolve the question of Puerto Rico’s ultimate status or would conflict with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the U.S.
The ‘Commonwealth’ party has made different proposals for an unprecedented political status it calls “Commonwealth” in every decade since the 1950s. Federal officials have rejected each one for U.S. constitutional and other reasons. So, a new “Commonwealth” proposal is unlikely to be found consistent with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the U.S.
The Obama White House, which had supported the 2012 plebiscite and hailed its results, proposed the Federal plebiscite law enacted in January. The White House was concerned that Garcia’s lobbying against Federal action on the local plebiscite’s statehood petition would result in the Congress not acting on Puerto Rico’s self-determination decision. Leaders of both national political parties in Congress agreed.

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Police Files on Radicals Are at Center of a Lawsuit - New York Times

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New York Times

Police Files on Radicals Are at Center of a Lawsuit
New York Times
The group was the Young Lords, which began in the 1950s as a street gang in Chicago before evolving in the late 1960s into a militant movement in places like New York, Newark and Philadelphia, calling for Puerto Rican independence and a greater civic ...

Police Files on Radicals Are at Center of a Lawsuit

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A judge has been asked to order the New York Police Department to find and turn over documents on the Puerto Rican militant group Young Lords to a Baruch professor.

Man Tortured at Brazilian Military Hospital During Dictatorship

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The case of a political prisoner who died in custody under Brazil’s 1964-1985 military regime represents the first time a human rights violation at a military hospital has been proved, the Rio de Janeiro state Truth Commission said Monday.

Caos Inicio de Clases en Puerto Rico 

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UN CAOS TOTAL! A Pie Miles de Estudiantes y Sin Maestro Educación Especial en Inicio de Clases en Puerto Rico. - Agosto 11,2014. por Wora.
From: Luis Anthony
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Sistema TV Informa: Certamen de patentes del Centro de Innovación, Empleo y Emprendimiento de la UNE

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Jugando Pelota Dura: Análisis de la situación del PNP

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Ukraine to Deny Access to Russian Aid Convoy

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Robin Williams' rise to fame and lifelong battle with drugs and depression

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One of America's most Beloved entertainers Robin Williams, who was found dead Monday, will forever be remembered as a singular talent who rocketed to fame as a zany alien in Mork & Mindy and spent the next 35-plus years captivating millions with his incomparable gifts.

Justice Ensures That It is Complying with reform

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By InterNewsService - 5:36 pm
Justice Secretary Cesar Miranda Defend That today it is in compliance With the reform of the Puerto Rico Police praising the work of the uniformed.
"We're seeing some significant progress, there is a team in Puerto Rico Police Organized Which meets weekly, Which has various expert working groups with members of the Police and other areas have Integrating with Communities This effort," said Miranda During a press conference In Which I Announced to campaign against cyberbullying.
I said the first report on the reform was submitted to the Court Already after submission is ordered.
That I have added the document "answers all the questions That HAD Been raising up then obviously is submitted for consideration by the Court."
"The important thing here is Ongoing 'Is that reform, That reform is in operation, and we saw last week With the first incoming to the Police Academy cadets recogida week 311 class," said the official.
Said more than 90 of the cadets Were women, five master's degrees in HAD more than 100 high school and the rest with associate degree.
"In the past people Were Recruited fourth grade year and HAD to come and spend time at the The most academy taking a course of academic training as it Were, now they 'will have technical training course in the police area" said Justice Minister.


Inter News Service (INS) is a news agency founded by journalist Nelson del Castillo and is based in San Juan de Puerto Rico.
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Monitor Police meets with former governors

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By Antonio R. Gomez / <a href="mailto:antonio.gomez@gfrmedia.com">antonio.gomez@gfrmedia.com</a>
The call monitor Police Puerto Rico, Arnaldo Claudio, met in recent days with several former governors of the island, with exsuperintendentes Police and visited and some of the commands in order to familiarize themselves with the functioning of force and their problems.
According to Federal Judge Gustavo Gelpi, who also Claudio held a meeting yesterday, the technical adviser of compliance (TCA, for its acronym in English) of the Police Reform, on the island will soon have the team of experts that will help their work.
"The monitor has met, on my instruction, four former governors," said Gelpí reporters covering the federal court.
The former governors visited by Claudio said the judge, were Rafael Hernández Colón, Carlos Romero Barceló, Luis Fortuño, Aníbal Acevedo Vila. Forward Gelpí that are scheduled or managed and the other two former governors Sila Maria Calderon and Pedro Rosselló meetings.
He explained that the idea is to evaluate what concerns they have and did these former governors on the operation of the police and what recommendations can provide to help correct the problems it faces.
Reminded the judge and Claudio met with the Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi, as well as the chairmen of the House and Senate, Perello and Jaime Eduardo Bhatia.
"It has it met several exsuperintendentes Police and visited the command headquarters to meet with the colonels and will keep doing that," he said.
Gelpí announced that the August 6 is scheduled to visit, along with the monitor, the Police Academy in Gurabo, to understand its functioning.
The team of experts to help in its work Claudio said the judge, come to Puerto Rico during the week of August 12th and will meet with the Gelpí own, with the directors of the Academy of Police and other officials related different areas of police reform.
Claudio, who is a retired Army colonel from the United States and Puerto Rico, was confirmed on June 5 as a technical advisor in charge of ensuring compliance with the reform of the Puerto Rico Police. He was appointed by the federal and state departments of Justice and confirmed by Gelpí.
It serves as an officer of the Federal Court of Puerto Rico, although his salary compensation is paid with funds provided by the Commonwealth.
Police reform was ratified on July 17, 2013, by Governor Alejandro García Padilla and Secretary of Justice of the United States, Eric H. Holder, and is the result of a lawsuit submitted the Department of Justice against Government of Puerto Rico for civil rights violations by the state police force.
The agreement covers four basic areas, which are: retraining, recruitment and effective supervision of agents; interactions that have not discriminatory at the time of the arrests, raids and searches practices; community outreach, meet regularly and address their claims within 90 days; and implement information systems and technology.
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Possibility auscultation ballot Pierluisi - Rosselló 2016 (gallery)

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NotiCel HAD access to images caucus behind closed doors at a restaurant in Hato Rey in Which the Mayors of Arecibo Carlos Molina Appear; Canovanas, Lorna Soto, Fajardo, Anibal Melendez, Gurabo, Victor Ortiz Diaz Morovis, Heriberto Rodriguez, Naranjito, Orlando Ortiz, and Ceiba, Ramos Angelo Cruz.
In other photos, the local executive of Santa Isabel, Enrique "Quique" Also Appear Questel, Manatee, Juan Cruz Manzano Aubin; Orocovis Jesus "Gardy" Colon Berlingeri; Naguabo, Noe Marcano and General Secretary of the NPP, the representative José Aponte.
One source de esta digital newspaper said That the meeting, Which Lasted two hours, The Possibility That Nevares Ricardo Rossello, who Also Announced His intention to run for governor, desist from That position and tilt Discussed by the resident commissioner in Washington DC
"I Talked acerca several topics, treats including Ricky's intentions for governor. But many believe it is not ripe for the position. We support you if you just intend to run for resident commissioner. A ballot Pierluisi - Rosello not defeat anyone, "said the source who PARTICIPATED in the discussion.
This medium Also Learned That Began the statesman leader to shape His campaign a few weeks ago and the organization was incorporated in the State Department as 'Governor Pierluisi Committee Inc'.
"Pedro Pierluisi has the support of over 20 30 Municipal Mayors and presidents. The phenomenon of primary in 2008 is very like. It's About Time That the Resident Commissioner is the official candidate for governor by the PNP, "the source added.
Apart from Pierluisi and Rosselló,'ve Also Been Mentioned That the senator and Senate president, Thomas Rivera Schatz, dogs suck the Most Important elective office in the country.
The son of former Governor Pedro Rosselló, who Continuously visiting villages in political activities, endorse Charbonier Representatives and Lourdes Maria Milagros Ramos, Abel Nazario Anibal Vega Borges and Mayors, Among other leading statesmen. 
Rossello would not react to the meeting held today, His Spokesman Carlos Bermudez said. 


PNP Mayors met in closed session With the Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi (Supplied)
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Statehood-yes or no, the last "shot" for colonialists.

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LongIslander1987 wrote:
I doubt they will approve such a big gamble, remember this referendum is Federally sanctioned so Congress is obligated to respect the results. Every statehooder will be crawling out of the woodwork to vote.
This would be a huge, huge gamble on their part.
I don't see any other way out, at least with dignity, for the colonialists.
At least, their party might come out intact, for the soberanistas and "happy colonialists" will be together in their loss.
Remember, the "happy colonialists" are betting on a coalition with soberanistas and independentistas.
And on the other hand, is Agapito's demise or life.....
This sort of plebiscite might, actually, bring Pierluisi and Ricky together.

Joy Pedro Julio Serrano turns off

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The rights activist LGBTT community, Pedro Julio Serrano, through social networks to let his followers know that is plunged into a depression due to unemployment.
In a message posted on the Internet, the president of Puerto Rico Para Tod @ s, explains that the death of actor Robin Williams made him publicly acknowledge their grief.
Read what Serrano wrote:
"I'm depressed I finally recognize Writing these lines -.. Stronger for it - is the first step to seek help.
The suicide of Robin Williams jamaqueó me. His death made me mourn, not because I knew him, not because I loved his career. I did mourn - uncontrollably - because I put in place and because I had not - even - allowed mourn during this time of sadness.
Being in the public eye is not glamorous, nor faranduleo much @ s think. It's an incredible pressure on your shoulders which you think like, 'model' have to be perfect.
In fact, I vent here that is going to be controversial and some @ s see me as weak. I see it as a sign of strength, for there is nothing more powerful than recognize and aspire to be.
I have no job. I gave up after I had a heart attack and being afraid that something would happen while I was alone in NYC. Also came with a huge hope of wanting to contribute to the country - from here.
I have worked - continuously - since age 16. He did not get a job - after a search of months - I have a crippling uncertainty.
Unemployment tied to what can be merciless public opinion, has brought me here. There is so much pressure that I dared not publicly acknowledge that I am unemployed and depressed.
It is assumed that public figures endure all, we have the hard leather, we choose the dignity of silence before the indignity of insult and contempt. But we forget that we are human beings.
Considering the whole picture, I repeat - to convince - the Invictus poem by William Ernest Henley and final verse:
"No matter how strait the gate, How charged the sentence I am the master of my fate., I am the captain of my soul."
I have had many battles in life - much stronger it most - and all I have overcome. I will win.
I feel lonely, but I know I'm not. I have a lot of love around me, I just have to open up. Again, I open my arms and my heart to my people ... " (sic).
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PPD status meeting adjourned - The New Day

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The meeting on the status of Puerto Rico That Morning HAD planned the Governing Board of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) was postponed until later This Month, said the Spokesman for this community.
Angel Raul Matos, PPD Spokesman, said the morning meeting was Canceled until later This Month at the request of several members to change the conclave for being on vacation or out of the country.
"It will not be tomorrow. It will be later This Month. So far They have not the exact date Told me but I Understand That will make ends meet, "Matos said.
During the last conclave of the PDP Board of Governors on July 15, most of it ITS members, by a vote of 22 for and four against in, DECIDED to ask the Legislature to route a mechanism for defining the status of Puerto Rico, make $ 2.5 Allocated million by the United States President Barack Obama to hold a plebiscite.
This referendum would be before the end de esta term.
The majority decision of the Governing Board to cut the wings PPD Sovereignty industry seeking the Commonwealth (ELA) was sovereign alternatives included in the plebiscite. 

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» PBS NewsHour | Full Episode | Monday, August 11, 2014
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mikenova shared this story . LongIslander1987 wrote: I doubt they will approve such a big gamble, remember this referendum is Federally sanctioned so Congress is obligated to respect the results. Every statehooder will be crawling out of...
» Joy Pedro Julio Serrano turns off
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mikenova shared this story from Metro - Últimas noticias. The rights activist LGBTT community, Pedro Julio Serrano, through social networks to let his followers know that is plunged into a depression due to unemployment. In a message pos...
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From news

New leads in old slaying of sailors in PR
 By CB Online Staff
Juan Galloza Acevedo was living a quiet retirement near the suburbs of Puerto Rico’s capital when his radical past finally caught up with him.
Sentencing in 1979 Sabana Seca ambush; Navy continues decades-old probe
 By LANCE M. BACON/The Navy Times
Justice had eluded 18 unarmed sailors gunned down in a terrorist ambush in Puerto Rico for 34 years.

Gun shop owners plead guilty to fraud

By CB Online Staff

The owners of a Puerto Rico armory pleaded guilty Monday to federal charges tied a fraud scheme to grant firearms licenses to some 1,300 people.
María del Carmen Rivera Negrón and her husband Julio Colón Santiago owned The Lawman Gun Shop in Bayamón, which was raided by FBI agents in December and has been shuttered for months.
U.S. District Judge Francisco A. Besosa set a sentencing hearing for Dec. 11.
Under a plea deal, federal prosecutors agreed to recommend between five and 12 year behind bars for the convicted couple. They could have faced up to 15 years in prison on charges of falsifying identification documents, five years for falsifying court documents, five years for conspiracy, two years for each identity theft count and 10 years for helping convicted felons get guns and firearms licenses.
Rivera Negrón and Colón Santiago were arrested in mid-March on 490 counts in a scheme in which they charged between $1,000 and $1,500 for each fraudulent transaction. They were allegedly aided in the scheme by notary attorney Antonio M. Peluzzo, who authorities say trolled for customers at The Lawman Gun Shop on PR-2. He was arrested in December and is expected to plead guilty.
The defendants used their direct access to the Police Department’s Bayamón command center to expedite the illegal permits, greasing the wheels with deliveries f donuts, pitorro rum and coffee, according to federal authorities.
The forged judges’ signatures and court documents from judicial centers in Caguas, Humacao, San Juan, Bayamón and Aibonito.
Authorities said Peluzzo trolled for illicit customers at the gun shop, promising to get them licenses to carry firearms without having to show up in court or produce character witnesses. The bogus permits were then given to customers in bars, at the gun shop and shopping centers, authorities said.
“On such a violent island, where murder is rampant, we have 1,000 people or more with firearms acquired with bogus permits,” U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodríguez said after the raid. 

the lawman gun shop in bayamon pr - Google Search

  1. Armory Owners Plead Guilty to manage licenses ...

    Primera Hora Aug 11, 2014
    Guilty plea today ... for processing fraudulent licenses to carry arms in your businessThe Lawman Gunshop in Bayamón .
  2. Owners armory Bayamón plead guilty

    Daily Metro Puerto Rico August 20 hoursShare
    The owners of the armory of The Lawman Gunshop in Bayamón , María del Carmen Rivera Negron and her husband Julio Colon Santiago allegation made ​​...