Wednesday, October 24, 2018

PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: News / MN Newsletter // October 24

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October 24, 2018
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: News / MN Newsletter // October 24
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: shoigu bolton - Google Search
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): The Americas: How Jair Bolsonaro entranced Brazil’s minorities — while also insulting them
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: Michael Novakhov on Operation Novichok - Google Search
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: 3:55 AM 10/24/2018 – "Operation Novichok" Blog – UPDATES: | Russia News
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: 5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute – October 24, 2018 | Global Security News
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Comienza juicio al joven brasileño que asesinó a cuatro familiares en España
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: CEO de Apple respalda leyes de protección de datos
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: La Casa Blanca alerta de “regreso” del socialismo al debate político en EEUU
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Poligamia persiste en África para desaliento de activistas
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Boleto en Carolina del Sur gana $1,600 millones en lotería
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites): latino - Google News: Who Are We Talking About When We Talk About Latino Voters? - New York Times
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): puerto rico economy - Google News: Puerto Ricans in insurance tumult - NWAOnline
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-SLE-PR Security and Law Enforcement News from mikenova (23 sites): fbi puerto rico police - Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-SLE-PR Security and Law Enforcement News from mikenova (23 sites): fbi puerto rico police - Google News: Somerset selectmen hire police officer -
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites): latino - Google News: Latino group's conference for students beneficial - The Republic
Trump acusa a Puerto Rico de usar fondos del huracán para pagar ...
Bella Group: Celebra 55 años moviendo a Puerto Rico
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Trump acusa a Puerto Rico de usar fondos del huracán para pagar sus deudas
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: La Constituyente chavista designa nuevo contralor y vicefiscal en Venezuela
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Trump aclara que es un “nacionalista”, pero no un “nacionalista blanco”
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Boleto en Carolina del Sur gana $1.600 millones en lotería
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Agencia: delincuentes se beneficiarían de Brexit sin pacto
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Willa se debilita a tormenta tropical, deja lluvia en México - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Federales investigan supuesta venta de influencias - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Confirman que Chevres recibió golpe en la cabeza

PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: News / MN Newsletter // October 24

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
October 24, 2018 Current Events 5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute – October 24, 2018 | Global Security News Google Still K Street's Top Tech Spender 3:55 AM 10/24/2018 – "Operation Novichok" Blog – UPDATES: | Russia News Saved Stories - 1.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: shoigu bolton - Google Search

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
mikenova shares "shoigu bolton - Google Search" shoigu bolton - Google Search
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): The Americas: How Jair Bolsonaro entranced Brazil’s minorities — while also insulting them

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro talks to media after a visit to federal police headquarters in Rio de Janeiro on Oct. 17. (Ricardo Moraes/Reuters) Anthony Faiola Correspondent covering Latin America, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, human rights, poverty, globalization and economics
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: Michael Novakhov on Operation Novichok - Google Search

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
mikenova shares "Michael Novakhov on Operation Novichok - Google Search" Michael Novakhov on Operation Novichok - Google Search
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: 3:55 AM 10/24/2018 – "Operation Novichok" Blog – UPDATES: | Russia News

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
mikenova shares "3:55 AM 10/24/2018 – "Operation Novichok" Blog – UPDATES: | Russia News" from Russia News 3:55 AM 10/24/2018 – "Operation Novichok" Blog – UPDATES: | Russia News “Operation Novichok” Blog – UPDATES LATEST
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: 5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute – October 24, 2018 | Global Security News

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
mikenova shares "5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute – October 24, 2018 | Global Security News" from Global Security News 5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives?
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Comienza juicio al joven brasileño que asesinó a cuatro familiares en España

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El juicio al “descuartizador de Pioz”, un joven brasileño acusado de asesinar a sus dos tíos y sus dos primos pequeños en agosto de 2016, para quien la fiscalía pide cadena perpetua revisable, comenzó este miércoles en la ciudad española de Guadalajara.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: CEO de Apple respalda leyes de protección de datos

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El director general de Apple respaldó el miércoles leyes de privacidad más estrictas tanto en Europa como en Estados Unidos y renovó el compromiso del gigante tecnológico con la protección de los datos de sus clientes.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: La Casa Blanca alerta de “regreso” del socialismo al debate político en EEUU

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
La Casa Blanca alertó el martes de que el “socialismo está viviendo un regreso al discurso político estadounidense”, al criticar sus efectos económicos, dos semanas antes de las elecciones legislativas de noviembre.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Poligamia persiste en África para desaliento de activistas

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
La sospecha de que existía una tercera esposa pasó por la mente de Irene Atenyo cuando su esposo no pudo justificar su último salario.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Boleto en Carolina del Sur gana $1,600 millones en lotería

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Un boleto ganó el martes un bote récord de 1,600 millones de dólares en una popular lotería en Estados Unidos, según responsables del juego.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites): latino - Google News: Who Are We Talking About When We Talk About Latino Voters? - New York Times

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Who Are We Talking About When We Talk About Latino Voters?Ricky Diaz filled out his ballot during the primary election in Los Angeles in June. Latinos make up 30 percent of eligible voters in California.CreditMelissa Lyttle for The New York TimesBy Jose A.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): puerto rico economy - Google News: Puerto Ricans in insurance tumult - NWAOnline

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
DORADO, Puerto Rico -- Thousands of Puerto Ricans have been forced to drain their savings, close their businesses, or resign themselves to living with structural damage as they fight insurance companies over millions of dollars' worth of claims that have gone unanswered or unpaid more than a year after Hurricane Maria.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-SLE-PR Security and Law Enforcement News from mikenova (23 sites): fbi puerto rico police - Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
This RSS feed URL is deprecated, please update. New URLs can be found in the footers at fbi puerto rico police - Google News PRN-SLE-PR Security and Law Enforcement News from mikenova (23 sites)
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-SLE-PR Security and Law Enforcement News from mikenova (23 sites): fbi puerto rico police - Google News: Somerset selectmen hire police officer -

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
SOMERSET — The selectmen last week appointed veteran law enforcement officer Eric Lewandowski to an opening on the Police Department. Officer Lewandowski has worked for the Waterford, Conn.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites): latino - Google News: Latino group's conference for students beneficial - The Republic

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
The Latino Education Group, a program of the Community Education Coalition, is focused on closing educational gaps facing the Latino population in south-central and southeastern Indiana.
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Trump acusa a Puerto Rico de usar fondos del huracán para pagar ...

El Nuevo Herald
El presidente, Donald Trump, arremetió el martes contra los “ineptos” políticos de Puerto Rico y los acusó de utilizar los fondos federales destinados a reconstruir la isla tras el paso el año pasado del huracán María para solventar otros gastos relacionados con su multimillonaria deuda.
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Bella Group: Celebra 55 años moviendo a Puerto Rico

La Perla del Sur
La empresa automotriz Bella Group, distribuidora puertorriqueña más grande del país, celebró su 55 aniversario en la isla. Bella Group, recientemente reconocida por octavo año como uno de los Mejores Patronos de Puerto Rico, se ha distinguido no solo por ser pionera en la industria automotriz, sino también por su firme compromiso social.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Trump acusa a Puerto Rico de usar fondos del huracán para pagar sus deudas

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El presidente, Donald Trump, arremetió el martes contra los “ineptos” políticos de Puerto Rico y los acusó de utilizar los fondos federales destinados a reconstruir la isla tras el paso el año pasado del huracán María para solventar otros gastos relacionados con su multimillonaria deuda.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: La Constituyente chavista designa nuevo contralor y vicefiscal en Venezuela

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
La Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (ANC) de Venezuela, integrada solo por oficialistas y no reconocida por numerosos gobiernos, designó el martes a Elvis Amoroso como nuevo contralor general y a Beysce Loreto como vicefiscal general de la nación caribeña.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Trump aclara que es un “nacionalista”, pero no un “nacionalista blanco”

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El presidente, Donald Trump, se definió el martes de nuevo como un líder “nacionalista”, pero aclaró que no es un “nacionalista blanco”, término que en Estados Unidos se considera sinónimo de racista.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Boleto en Carolina del Sur gana $1.600 millones en lotería

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Un boleto ganó el martes un bote récord de 1.600 millones de dólares en una popular lotería en Estados Unidos, según responsables del juego.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Agencia: delincuentes se beneficiarían de Brexit sin pacto

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Los contrabandistas y otros delincuentes organizados podrían explotar las brechas en la aplicación de la frontera si Gran Bretaña abandona la Unión Europea sin un acuerdo, porque los preparativos necesarios podrían no terminar a tiempo, dijo el miércoles la Oficina Nacional de Auditoría británica.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Willa se debilita a tormenta tropical, deja lluvia en México

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Willa comenzó a perder fuerza durante noche luego de azotar localidades turísticas de costa, pueblos de pescadores y granjas en la costa del estado de Sinaloa, en el Pacífico mexicano, como un huracán de categoría 3.
Read More - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Federales investigan supuesta venta de influencias

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Exfuncionarios de las administraciones de Luis Fortuño y Alejandro García Padilla, del actual gobernador Ricardo Rosselló, así como un congresista estadounidense, son investigados por las autoridades federales en el distrito sur de Nueva York por supuesta venta de influencias.
Read More - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Confirman que Chevres recibió golpe en la cabeza

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Los hallazgos de la autopsia practicada ayer al cadáver del empleado de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE) Francisco A.
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Current Events Newsletter // October 24

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October 24, 2018
5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute – October 24, 2018 | Global Security News
Google Still K Street's Top Tech Spender
mikenov on Twitter: 3:55 AM 10/24/2018 - "Operation Novichok" Blog - UPDATES:…
3:55 AM 10/24/2018 – "Operation Novichok" Blog – UPDATES: | Russia News
Saved Stories - 1. My News Blogs: Oleg Martyanov gru - Google Search
mikenov on Twitter: Operation Novichok: 1. News Review: Operation Novichok - Updates | Rus...…
mikenov on Twitter: Operation Novichok: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pa...…
mikenov on Twitter: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute… #readlater #feedly
mikenov on Twitter: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute… #readlater #feedly
mikenov on Twitter: Operation Novichok: The Salisbury and Amesbury Poisonings and the Skripal Saga Newsletter // October 23… #operationnovichok: the salisbury and amesbury poisonings and the skripal saga #feedly
mikenov on Twitter: Operation Novichok from mikenova (18 sites): the guardian Sergei Skripal - Google News: Russian banker loses £9m London home in legal fight with Moscow - The Guardian… #readlater #feedly
mikenov on Twitter: Sergei Skripal - Google News: The Unsung Reporters Who Challenged the Kremlin's Skripal Story - The Moscow Times… #readlater #feedly
mikenov on Twitter: The Latest: Germany urges US to co-ordinate on treaty exit… #readlater #feedly
mikenov on Twitter: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute… #operationnovichok - salisbury poisoning - the skripal saga #feedly
1. News Review: Operation Novichok - Updates | Russia News
Operation Novichok: The Salisbury and Amesbury Poisonings and the Skripal Saga Newsletter // October 23
Litvinenko widow says Saudi death should be a wake-up call
No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute
The top iPhone and iPad apps on App Store
mikenov on Twitter: 10.24.18 - Michael Novakhov on Operation Novichok: : "The International Committee is needed to investigate the status, the activities, the moda operandi, the operations and their mechanisms, of the German Military Intelligence, the "…
Michael Novakhov on Operation Novichok - Google Search

5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute – October 24, 2018 | Global Security News

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
2.13.18 – Merkel The Spider Düsseldorf carnival: Float shows Donald Trump mounted by Russian bear – Business Insider The German Intelligence behind Operations “Trump” and “9/11”. 
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Google Still K Street's Top Tech Spender

Roll Call
The mayhem and political disruption of the Trump administration and the coming midterm elections haven’t killed business on K Street this year, as health care, technology and business interests now look to action during a lame-duck session.
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mikenov on Twitter: 3:55 AM 10/24/2018 - "Operation Novichok" Blog - UPDATES:…

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
3:55 AM 10/24/2018 - "Operation Novichok" Blog - UPDATES:… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 7:56am
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3:55 AM 10/24/2018 – "Operation Novichok" Blog – UPDATES: | Russia News

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
1 Operation Novichok: The Salisbury and Amesbury Poisonings and the Skripal Saga 46min 1 Operation Novichok: The Salisbury and Amesbury Poisonings and the Skripal Saga
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Saved Stories - 1. My News Blogs: Oleg Martyanov gru - Google Search

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Oleg Martyanov gru - Google News. Oleg Martyanov, former GRU sOF chief, makes timely exitIntelligence Online-2 hours agoFrom 2009 to 2013, Martyanov, a veteran of the GRU, Russia's military intelligence service, was the first head of the service's newly reformed ...Oleg Martyanov, vétéran du GRU, prend sa retraiteIntelligence Online-2 hours agoC'est avec une certaine discrétion qu'Oleg Martyanov a été libéré de ses fonctions de membre de la commission militaro-industrielle russe "à ...A Timeline of Paul Manafort's Complicated Ties to RussiaMother Jones-Oct 31, 2017(Photo by Yury Martyanov/AFP/Getty Images) ....
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mikenov on Twitter: Operation Novichok: 1. News Review: Operation Novichok - Updates | Rus...…

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
Operation Novichok: 1. News Review: Operation Novichok - Updates | Rus...… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 7:26am
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mikenov on Twitter: Operation Novichok: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pa...…

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
Operation Novichok: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pa...… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 7:24am
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mikenov on Twitter: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute… #readlater #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute… #readlater #feedly Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 7:23am mikenov on Twitter
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mikenov on Twitter: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute… #readlater #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute… #readlater #feedly Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 7:23am
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mikenov on Twitter: Operation Novichok: The Salisbury and Amesbury Poisonings and the Skripal Saga Newsletter // October 23… #operationnovichok: the salisbury and amesbury poisonings and the skripal saga #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
Operation Novichok: The Salisbury and Amesbury Poisonings and the Skripal Saga Newsletter // October 23… #operationnovichok: the salisbury and amesbury poisonings and the skripal saga #feedly
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mikenov on Twitter: Operation Novichok from mikenova (18 sites): the guardian Sergei Skripal - Google News: Russian banker loses £9m London home in legal fight with Moscow - The Guardian… #readlater #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
Operation Novichok from mikenova (18 sites): the guardian Sergei Skripal - Google News: Russian banker loses £9m London home in legal fight with Moscow - The Guardian… #readlater #feedly
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mikenov on Twitter: Sergei Skripal - Google News: The Unsung Reporters Who Challenged the Kremlin's Skripal Story - The Moscow Times… #readlater #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
Sergei Skripal - Google News: The Unsung Reporters Who Challenged the Kremlin's Skripal Story - The Moscow Times… #readlater #feedly Posted by
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mikenov on Twitter: The Latest: Germany urges US to co-ordinate on treaty exit… #readlater #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
The Latest: Germany urges US to co-ordinate on treaty exit… #readlater #feedly Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 6:55am
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mikenov on Twitter: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute… #operationnovichok - salisbury poisoning - the skripal saga #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute… #operationnovichok - salisbury poisoning - the skripal saga #feedly Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 6:46am
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1. News Review: Operation Novichok - Updates | Russia News

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Operation Novichok. mikenova shares "1. News Review: Operation Novichok - Updates | Russia News" from Russia News 1.
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Operation Novichok: The Salisbury and Amesbury Poisonings and the Skripal Saga Newsletter // October 23

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Operation Novichok. October 23, 2018 Operation Novichok: The Salisbury and Amesbury Poisonings and the Skripal Saga 1.
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Litvinenko widow says Saudi death should be a wake-up call

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Operation Novichok. October 23, 2018 Operation Novichok - Sergei Skripal Litvinenko widow says Saudi death should be a wake-up call The Unsung Reporters Who Challenged the Kremlin's Skripal Story Russian Prosecutor General's Office got no inquiries from UK over Skripal case Litvinenko widow says Saudi death should be a wake-up call Washington Post LONDON — The widow of former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko, who was killed by radioactive poison in 2006, said Tuesday that the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi should be a wake-up call to the world about the deadly behavior of authoritarian states.
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No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Operation Novichok. October 24, 2018 Operation Novichok No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute Контакт фирмы "Огурец": "Собеседник" нашел телефон Чепиги и других сотрудников ГРУ на странных фейковых сайтах Russia Behind Cyberattack on Saudi Petrochemical Plant, Experts Say Darts and laurels: Part of Buck is history now Salisbury Planning Director Janet Gapen to say farewell Food recalls include items for sale in Salisbury area Виктория Скрипаль заявила о страхе за свою жизнь Scoreboard Letter: Thank you, mayor Putin ready to meet Pres.
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The top iPhone and iPad apps on App Store

Kansas City Star
App Store Official Charts for the week ending October 21, 2018:
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mikenov on Twitter: 10.24.18 - Michael Novakhov on Operation Novichok: : "The International Committee is needed to investigate the status, the activities, the moda operandi, the operations and their mechanisms, of the German Military Intelligence, the "…

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
10.24.18 - Michael Novakhov on Operation Novichok: : "The International Committee is needed to investigate the status, the activities, the moda operandi, the operations and their mechanisms, of the German Military Intelligence, the "…
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Michael Novakhov on Operation Novichok - Google Search

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
506 × 337 Operation Novichok – The Postcard from ... {"cb":9,"cl":3,"id":"ORQmjLwbPvuceM:","isu":"","itg":0,"ity":"","oh":337,"ou":"\u003dw506-h910","ow":506,"pt":"Operation Novichok \u2013 The Postcard from Salisbury \u2013 6:47 AM 10/7/2018 ...","rh":"","rid":"csSo1CrYMsjDAM","rt":0,"ru":"","s":"\"The FSB, the Russian analogue of the FBI...\"","sc":1,"st":"","th":183,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcRrdNCKxNooOyXz-eSI_TnIt11YOxs3KWFJw2LeK2QTtyW36BRy","tw":275}
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shoigu bolton - Google Search

mikenova shares "shoigu bolton - Google Search"

shoigu bolton - Google Search

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shoigu bolton - Google Search

mikenova shares "shoigu bolton - Google Search"

shoigu bolton - Google Search

Image result for shoigu bolton