Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Héctor Pesquera - Google News: Trump ordena una investigación por los paquetes sospechosos para los Clinton y Obama - El Nuevo

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October 24, 2018
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Héctor Pesquera - Google News: Trump ordena una investigación por los paquetes sospechosos para los Clinton y Obama - El Nuevo
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites): Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): puerto rico politics - Google News: State Sen. Victor Torres criticizes Rick Scott over financial ties to Puerto Rico power company - Orlando Sentinel
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Caribbean Business: FDA approves new drug to treat influenza
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites): Puerto Rico Rebuilding of Services and Infrastructure after Maria - Google News: A Hawaiian island has been wiped out by Hurricane Walaka - Inhabitat
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): mikenov on Twitter: 1. World from mikenova (22 sites): Reuters: World News: Russia will target European countries if they host U.S. nuclear missiles: Putin… #articles- october 2018 #feedly
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Caribbean Business: Invest Puerto Rico completes promotional plan
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Caribbean Business: Lin-Manuel Miranda initiative to rebuild Puerto Rico coffee industry gets nearly $3 million in pledges
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): puerto rico business - Google News: Puerto Rico to host 11th Americas Competitiveness Exchange - Caribbean Business
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: 5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – “OPERATION NOVICHOK” BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms...
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Voice of America: La inmigración vuelve como tema de campaña en EE.UU.
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Voice of America: Trump sobre atentados: La “violencia política” no tiene cabida en EE.UU.
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: my blogs - Google Search
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Voice of America: Excomandante de EE.UU. en Europa: "guerra con China" en 15 años posible pero no inevitable
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: GUATEMALA CORRUPCIÓN - La Cicig suspende las operaciones de su sede en Quetzaltenango y las centraliza
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: CUBA ONU - Gobierno presiona a ONU para que responda al boicot de una reunión sobre Cuba
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: News / MN Newsletter // October 24
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: VENEZUELA CRISIS - Exministro venezolano Rafael Ramírez: "Maduro tiene que salir"
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: PUERTO RICO EMERGENCIAS - Firman acuerdo en Puerto Rico con compañía comunicaciones para emergencias
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): puerto rico business - Google News: Hundreds attend Connect & Grow with Microsoft and LinkedIn event - Caribbean Business
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Latino Rebels: Democrats Can’t Count on Latinos to Swing the Midterms (OPINION)
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Caribbean Business: Puerto Rico to host 11th Americas Competitiveness Exchange
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): vozdeamerica's YouTube Videos: TEC: Inodoro inteligente con nanosensores
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): vozdeamerica's YouTube Videos: CIENCIA/SALUD: Traje de protección enfriado
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Comienza la sesión para un primer voto clave para la confirmación de Kavanaugh
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Las autoridades de Nueva York dan detalles sobre el caso de los paquetes explosivos
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: ECUADOR JUSTICIA - Ecuador pide a la Interpol localizar y detener a un exsecretario de Correa
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: EEUU ECONOMÍA - La Fed señala que los aranceles de Trump están empujando al alza los precios
Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: VENEZUELA ORO - Gobierno advierte de creciente comercio de oro desde Venezuela sin control

Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Héctor Pesquera - Google News: Trump ordena una investigación por los paquetes sospechosos para los Clinton y Obama - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
Nueva York - El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, indicó esta tarde que ordenó una investigación sobre los paquetes con "artefactos posiblemente explosivos" interceptados por agentes del Servicio Secreto dirigidos a la ex primera dama Hillary Clinton en Nueva York y al expresidente Barack Obama en Washington.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites): Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
This RSS feed URL is deprecated, please update. New URLs can be found in the footers at Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): puerto rico politics - Google News: State Sen. Victor Torres criticizes Rick Scott over financial ties to Puerto Rico power company - Orlando Sentinel

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
State Sen. Victor Torres railed against Gov. Rick Scott on Wednesday for his financial ties to the embattled Puerto Rico electric utility, questioning Scott’s motives in visiting the island and calling for more transparency in his investments.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Caribbean Business: FDA approves new drug to treat influenza

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
“This is the first new antiviral flu treatment with a novel mechanism of action approved by the FDA in nearly 20 years. With thousands of people getting the flu every year, and many people becoming seriously ill, having safe and effective treatment alternatives is critical.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites): Puerto Rico Rebuilding of Services and Infrastructure after Maria - Google News: A Hawaiian island has been wiped out by Hurricane Walaka - Inhabitat

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
Hurricane Walaka, a powerful hurricane that hit Hawaii earlier this month, has wiped a Hawaiian island off of the map. East Island, a remote, 11-acre area of gravel and sand that sat on top of a coral reef, has disappeared after coming into contact with the intense storm.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): mikenov on Twitter: 1. World from mikenova (22 sites): Reuters: World News: Russia will target European countries if they host U.S. nuclear missiles: Putin… #articles- october 2018 #feedly

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
1. World from mikenova (22 sites): Reuters: World News: Russia will target European countries if they host U.S. nuclear missiles: Putin… #articles- october 2018 #feedly
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Caribbean Business: Invest Puerto Rico completes promotional plan

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
SAN JUAN – In its objective of attracting new foreign investment to the island, the Invest Puerto Rico board announced Wednesday that it has completed the development of its strategic promotional plan for the island and is holding meetings with executives from the business and public sectors to hear their impressions on the effort.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Caribbean Business: Lin-Manuel Miranda initiative to rebuild Puerto Rico coffee industry gets nearly $3 million in pledges

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
SAN JUAN – A five-year, multimillion-dollar project aims to increase the long-term resilience and economic performance of Puerto Rico’s coffee industry via a support model that includes funding commitments by the Hispanic Federation, Nespresso, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Starbucks Foundation and individual donors.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): puerto rico business - Google News: Puerto Rico to host 11th Americas Competitiveness Exchange - Caribbean Business

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
SAN JUAN – Gov. Ricardo Rosselló Nevares announced Wednesday that Puerto Rico was selected as the venue for the 11th edition of the Americas Competitiveness Exchange on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ACE 11) to be held May 18-25 in more than 10 of the island’s municipalities.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: 5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – “OPERATION NOVICHOK” BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms...

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
mikenova shares "5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms..." from Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Voice of America: La inmigración vuelve como tema de campaña en EE.UU.

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
La caravana que se dirige a EE.UU. se ha convertido en tema clave en las próximas elecciones de medio de período. Los activistas antiinmigrantes creen que los esfuerzos del presidente Donald Trump por presentar la caravana como una emergencia nacional ayudarán al Partido Republicano.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Voice of America: Trump sobre atentados: La “violencia política” no tiene cabida en EE.UU.

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
El presidente Donald Trump condenó los atentados con potenciales explosivos contra políticos, un medio de comunicación y figuras públicas en Estados Unidos y señaló que la “violencia política” no tiene cabida en este país.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: my blogs - Google Search

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
mikenova shares "my blogs - Google Search" my blogs - Google Search
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Voice of America: Excomandante de EE.UU. en Europa: "guerra con China" en 15 años posible pero no inevitable

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
VARSOVIA —  El excomandante de las fuerzas del Ejército de Estados Unidos en Europa advirtió el miércoles que hay una "probabilidad muy fuerte" de un conflicto armado entre su país y China en el Pacífico.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: GUATEMALA CORRUPCIÓN - La Cicig suspende las operaciones de su sede en Quetzaltenango y las centraliza

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
El jefe de la Comisión Internacional Contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (Cicig), el abogado colombiano Iván Velásquez, anunció hoy la suspensión de actividades de la sede de Quetzaltenango, cuyas investigaciones se centralizarán.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: CUBA ONU - Gobierno presiona a ONU para que responda al boicot de una reunión sobre Cuba

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
El Gobierno informó hoy de que ha aumentado la presión para que el secretario general de la ONU, António Guterres, tome medidas contra diplomáticos cubanos y bolivianos que boicotearon con gritos y golpes una reunión sobre la situación de los presos políticos en Cuba.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: News / MN Newsletter // October 24

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
October 24, 2018 Current Events - SharedNewsLinks Trump Investigations - Google Search my blogs - Google Search 5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives?
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: VENEZUELA CRISIS - Exministro venezolano Rafael Ramírez: "Maduro tiene que salir"

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
Rafael Ramírez, exministro venezolano del Petróleo, considera que el Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro ha acabado con la democracia y cree que solo una gran movilización política podrá forzar su caída y permitir que el país supere la crisis causada por el actual Ejecutivo.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: PUERTO RICO EMERGENCIAS - Firman acuerdo en Puerto Rico con compañía comunicaciones para emergencias

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
El gobernador de Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló, anunció hoy un acuerdo de participación con la compañía FirstNet con el fin de que las agencias de primera respuesta en Puerto Rico tengan acceso exclusivo en emergencias a su red de comunicaciones por medio de un acuerdo público-privado con la compañía AT&T.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): puerto rico business - Google News: Hundreds attend Connect & Grow with Microsoft and LinkedIn event - Caribbean Business

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
SAN JUAN – Gov. Ricardo Rosselló Nevares announced the participation of more than 600 entrepreneurs during the first edition of the Connect & Grow with Microsoft and LinkedIn event, where they received information to increase productivity via the use of cloud-based tools.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Latino Rebels: Democrats Can’t Count on Latinos to Swing the Midterms (OPINION)

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
(Photo by Bill Wechter/AFP/Getty Images) Democrats are ready to turn out in record numbers for November’s midterm elections, surveys show, particularly women and older voters. But not all members of the party are as motivated.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Caribbean Business: Puerto Rico to host 11th Americas Competitiveness Exchange

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
SAN JUAN – Gov. Ricardo Rosselló Nevares announced Wednesday that Puerto Rico was selected as the venue for the 11th edition of the Americas Competitiveness Exchange on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ACE 11) to be held May 18-25 in more than 10 of the island’s municipalities.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): vozdeamerica's YouTube Videos: TEC: Inodoro inteligente con nanosensores

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
From: vozdeamerica Duration: 01:34 Científicos en Cambridge han diseñado un 'inodoro inteligente' con nanosensores para analizar su salud en tiempo real y comenzar un debate sobre el futuro de este tipo de ciencia.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): vozdeamerica's YouTube Videos: CIENCIA/SALUD: Traje de protección enfriado

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
From: vozdeamerica Duration: 01:38 Uno de los desafíos para los trabajadores de salud que luchan contra enfermedades infecciosas como el ébola, es pasar tiempo en trajes de protección Nuclear, Biológico o Químico.
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Comienza la sesión para un primer voto clave para la confirmación de Kavanaugh

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
From: UnivisionNoticias Duration: 1:26:23 Comienza la sesión para un primer voto clave en el Senado para la confirmación de Brett Kavanaugh como juez de la Corte Suprema. #kavanaugh #supremecourt #cortesuprema #eeuu #usa #estadosunidos #unitedstates
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Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Las autoridades de Nueva York dan detalles sobre el caso de los paquetes explosivos

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
From: UnivisionNoticias Duration: 21:26 Las autoridades de Nueva York dan detalles sobre el caso de los paquetes explosivos dirigidos a CNN y la excandidata presidencial Hillary Clinton.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: ECUADOR JUSTICIA - Ecuador pide a la Interpol localizar y detener a un exsecretario de Correa

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
La jueza de la Corte Nacional de Justicia (CNJ) de Ecuador Sylvia Sánchez ordenó hoy la prisión preventiva para el exsecretario de Comunicación de Rafael Correa, Fernando Alvarado, y pidió a la Interpol que emita la alerta roja para su localización y captura con fines de extradición.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: EEUU ECONOMÍA - La Fed señala que los aranceles de Trump están empujando al alza los precios

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
La Reserva Federal (Fed) constató hoy la tendencia al alza de los precios en Estados Unidos como consecuencia de los aranceles aplicados por el presidente Donald Trump, aunque mantuvo el optimismo sobre las perspectivas económicas y el mercado laboral nacional.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: VENEZUELA ORO - Gobierno advierte de creciente comercio de oro desde Venezuela sin control

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from mikenova (4 sites)
El Departamento del Tesoro advirtió hoy de que Venezuela recurre de manera creciente al comercio de oro "sin control medioambiental ni de contabilidad" para financiar las supuestas redes de corrupción que sostienen el Gobierno del presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro.
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Carlos Cases FBI - Google News: Trump on Bomb Scares: 'Political Violence' Has No Place in US - Daily Beast

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October 24, 2018
Carlos Cases FBI - Google News: Trump on Bomb Scares: 'Political Violence' Has No Place in US - Daily Beast
Carlos Cases FBI - Google News: Virginia AG Mark Herring Opens Probe Into Potential Child Sex Abuse in Catholic Church - Daily Beast
Carlos Cases FBI - Google News: Report: FBI Agents Gave Andrew Gillum 'Hamilton' Tickets in 2016 Trip - Daily Beast
Bing: Carlos Cases: Puerto Rico News: Carlos Cases - Google News: Utes Say ...
Carlos Cases - Google News: How WhatsApp is being abused in Brazil's elections - BBC News
Bing: Francisco Caparros Case: Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case Newsletter ...
Carlos Cases FBI - Google News: CNN Newsroom Evacuated After Explosive Device Found in Time Warner Center - Daily Beast
Carlos Cases - BingNews: Ortega’s “Justice” System: Legalities Are Out the Window
Carlos Cases - Google News: $2.3M perfume heist from NJ warehouse leads to 3 more arrests -

Carlos Cases FBI - Google News: Trump on Bomb Scares: 'Political Violence' Has No Place in US - Daily Beast

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites)
President Trump on Wednesday afternoon addressed the suspicious packages sent to former government officials and CNN’s New York offices, calling them “abhorrent to everything we hold dear.” The president said that he was briefed on the packages and confirmed that a “major federal investigation is now under way.” “We will spare no resources or expense in this effort, and I just want to tell you that in these times we have to unify,” he said.
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Carlos Cases FBI - Google News: Virginia AG Mark Herring Opens Probe Into Potential Child Sex Abuse in Catholic Church - Daily Beast

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites)
The Virginia attorney general announced Wednesday that his office has begun investigating the possibility of clerical sexual abuse and cover-up in the state’s two Catholic dioceses, according to a report from The Washington Post.
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Carlos Cases FBI - Google News: Report: FBI Agents Gave Andrew Gillum 'Hamilton' Tickets in 2016 Trip - Daily Beast

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites)
Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, already under scrutiny for expenses incurred during a 2016 trip to New York City, is facing new questions after records released Tuesday appeared to show undercover FBI agents paid for his hotel room and ticket to the Broadway musical Hamilton.
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Bing: Carlos Cases: Puerto Rico News: Carlos Cases - Google News: Utes Say ...

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites)
Carlos Cases - BingNews: Aptoide app store wins 'landmark' court case against Google Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites) We have been keeping professionals in the telecoms industry up-to-date since 2000.
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Carlos Cases - Google News: How WhatsApp is being abused in Brazil's elections - BBC News

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites)
Image copyright Getty Images
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Bing: Francisco Caparros Case: Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case Newsletter ...

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites)
Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites) FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Police are asking for your help in finding the hit and run driver that left a 47-year old woman in the road, after crashing into her in Central Fresno.
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Carlos Cases FBI - Google News: CNN Newsroom Evacuated After Explosive Device Found in Time Warner Center - Daily Beast

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites)
A suspicious device was sent to the Time Warner Center in Manhattan, which houses CNN’s studios, according to a law-enforcement official cited by The Daily Beast. NBC 4 reports that the package was addressed to an unidentified CNN correspondent.
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Carlos Cases - BingNews: Ortega’s “Justice” System: Legalities Are Out the Window

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites)
The facade of Tu Nuevo Radio Ya during the protests in Managua. Photo: Carlos Herrera / Confidencial   Unbelievable argument from the judges: “We’re responding according to the procedural moment we’re in.”
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Carlos Cases - Google News: $2.3M perfume heist from NJ warehouse leads to 3 more arrests -

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from mikenova (21 sites)
Three more men have been charged for their roles in the theft of $2.3 million worth of perfume from an Edison warehouse last year, authorities said Tuesday. Juan Crespo, 41, of Homestead, Florida, and Felix Castillo, 45, and Asnay Fernandez, 28, both of Hialeah, Florida, were charged in a criminal complaint with one count of conspiring to transport stolen property in interstate commerce, according to U.S.
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Trump Investigations - Google Search

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Russia will target European countries if they host U.S. nuclear missiles: Putin

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Russia will target European countries if they host U.S. nuclear missiles: Putin

MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia would be forced to target any European countries that agreed to host U.S. nuclear missiles following Washington’s withdrawal from a landmark Cold war-era arms control treaty.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a meeting with Italian businessmen at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia October 24, 2018. Sergei Chirikov/Pool via REUTERS

Speaking at a news conference after holding talks with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Putin said he wanted to discuss what he called dangerous U.S. plans to leave the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with U.S. President Donald Trump.

The two leaders are expected to hold talks in Paris on Nov. 11.

Russia has called Trump’s decision to quit the 1987 treaty, which eliminated both countries’ land-based short- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles from Europe, dangerous. Trump has accused Russia of violating the treaty, something Moscow denies. It says Washington is the one violating it.

U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton told Putin on Tuesday that Washington would press ahead with plans to quit the pact despite objections from Russia and some European countries.

Putin told reporters on Wednesday that Russia would have to respond in kind and would do so swiftly if the United States quit the pact.

“Answering your question directly, can we respond,” Putin said, when asked what Russia would do if Trump made good on his pledge to leave the treaty. “We can, and it will be very fast and very effective,” he said.

“If the United States does withdraw from the INF treaty, the main question is what they will do with these (intermediate-range) missiles that will once again appear.

“If they will deliver them to Europe, naturally our response will have to mirror this, and European countries that agree to host them, if things go that far, must understand that they are putting their own territory at risk of a possible counter-strike.”


Putin said he did not understand why it was necessary to put Europe in such danger, saying it was a situation that Russia itself wanted to avoid if possible.

NATO’s top official on Wednesday blamed Russia for breaching the treaty, but said he did not believe the Russian threat would lead to new deployments of U.S. missiles in Europe.

Russia has the option of deploying intermediate-range missiles in its European exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea, a move that would put a swath of Europe in range.

Putin said he feared the world might be about to slip into an arms race, saying the fate of another U.S.-Russian arms control treaty - the new START pact - which governs strategic nuclear missile launchers and is due to expire in 2021, was also unclear.

Saudi prince may be behind Khashoggi death - Trump

“If all this is dismantled, then nothing will be left when it comes to limiting the increase in arms,” said Putin. “And then the situation will be, in my view, extremely dangerous. All that will be left is an arms race.”

Writing by Polina Ivanova and Andrew Osborn; Editing by Matthew Mpoke Bigg and Alison Williams

Trump Investigations - Google Search

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Trump Investigations - Google Search

Democrats Promise More Trump Investigations If They Win The House

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If Democrats win control of the House, they'll have the power to investigate alleged misconduct of the Trump administration. They have a long ...
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Republicans on Capitol Hill have added enormously to the public's understanding of what happened in the Trump-Russia investigation.
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Democrats Vow To Rein In Trump Administration If They Win The House

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Democrats promise to put the Trump administration under the microscope of oversight investigations if they win control of the House.
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A top target for Democrats remains Trump's personal tax returns, an ask ... committees to handle investigations into Trump -- would become the ...

Trump Investigations - Google Search

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Trump Investigations - Google Search

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5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – “OPERATION NOVICHOK” BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms...

mikenova shares "5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms..." from Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS 'GPlusRSS-Webtool' at

5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms...

5:51 AM 10/24/2018 – "OPERATION NOVICHOK" BLOG POSTS: No olives? Putin pokes fun at US seal amid arms pact dispute – October 24, 2018

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