Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Puerto Rico Rebuilding of Services and Infrastructure after Maria - Google News: Sunburn — The morning read of what's hot in Florida politics — 10.23.18 - Florida Politics (blog)

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October 23, 2018
Puerto Rico Rebuilding of Services and Infrastructure after Maria - Google News: Sunburn — The morning read of what's hot in Florida politics — 10.23.18 - Florida Politics (blog)
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: What Puerto Rico's Job Market Looks Like a Year After Hurricane Maria - Wall Street Journal (blog)
Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter search feed for: apagonpr.: se fue la luz en mi area en October 23, 2018 at 12:14AM. #AEEONLINE #ApagonPR pic.twitter.com/4Q0G675zKq
Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: Puerto Rico bonds rally; municipals mixed ahead of small slate - Bond Buyer
Puerto Rico Water from mikenova (4 sites): Puerto Rico Water - Google News: Community Briefs – October 23, 2018 - Saipan Tribune
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: Artist Jeffs: Completed 6 Murals in Puerto Rico; Sees Hurricane Recovery - Lacamas Magazine
Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: Crowley christens 'cornerstone' LNG vessel - Jacksonville Business Journal
Puerto Rico Water from mikenova (4 sites): Puerto Rico Water - Google News: “We Had Gone Back 20 Years.” The Heads of Puerto Rico's Largest Media Company on Life After Hurricane Maria - Harvard Business Review
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: Building grid solidarity in Puerto Rico - The Hill (blog)
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - BingNews: “We Had Gone Back 20 Years.” The Heads of Puerto Rico’s Largest Media Company on Life After Hurricane Maria
Puerto Rico Water from mikenova (4 sites): Puerto Rico Water - Google News: GJ doctor deploys to catastrophic disasters - The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

Puerto Rico Rebuilding of Services and Infrastructure after Maria - Google News: Sunburn — The morning read of what's hot in Florida politics — 10.23.18 - Florida Politics (blog)

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Sunburn — The morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics. By Peter Schorsch, Phil Ammann, Daniel McAuliffe, Jim Rosica, and Drew Wilson. Less than 12 hours after Republican Ron DeSantis and Democrat Andrew Gillum sparred — and met — for the first time in Sunday’s gubernatorial debate, a new poll of the nationally watched contest found Gillum leading by a point.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: What Puerto Rico's Job Market Looks Like a Year After Hurricane Maria - Wall Street Journal (blog)

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Puerto Rico lost 35,000 jobs in the month after Hurricane Maria struck. One year later, employment in the storm-battered island still hasn’t recovered. Maria—the worst storm to hit Puerto Rico in nearly a century—knocked out electricity across the island and ravaged roads and infrastructure.
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Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Unless Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, kicks a puppy, burns the flag, or kneels for the national anthem, it seems more than likely that Rep. Beto O'Rourke will be out of ...
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter search feed for: apagonpr.: se fue la luz en mi area en October 23, 2018 at 12:14AM. #AEEONLINE #ApagonPR pic.twitter.com/4Q0G675zKq

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
se fue la luz en mi area en October 23, 2018 at 12:14AM. #AEEONLINE #ApagonPR pic.twitter.com/4Q0G675zKq Twitter search feed for: apagonpr. Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites)
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Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: Puerto Rico bonds rally; municipals mixed ahead of small slate - Bond Buyer

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Bond Buyer Puerto Rico bonds rally; municipals mixed ahead of small slate Bond Buyer In active trading on Monday, the Puerto Rico Commonwealth Series 2014A 8% general obligation bonds of 2035 were trading at a high price of 60.875 cents on the dollar, compared with 54.75 cents on Thursday, according to the Municipal Securities ...
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Puerto Rico Water from mikenova (4 sites): Puerto Rico Water - Google News: Community Briefs – October 23, 2018 - Saipan Tribune

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Judiciary service windows open today The service windows at the Guma’ Hustisia were closed yesterday starting 12pm due to the Commonwealth Utilities Corp.’s temporary water service interruption.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: Artist Jeffs: Completed 6 Murals in Puerto Rico; Sees Hurricane Recovery - Lacamas Magazine

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
San Juan, Puerto Rico — Camas mural artist, Allan Jeffs, has just completed a monthlong series of major projects in hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico. He was hired to create six murals at multiple locations, and is now back in Mill Town taking some off to rejuvenate.
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Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: Crowley christens 'cornerstone' LNG vessel - Jacksonville Business Journal

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Jacksonville-based Crowley Maritime Corp. christened its newest vessel, the liquefied natural gas-powered El Coqui, Oct. 20 at the Jaxport cruise terminal.
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Puerto Rico Water from mikenova (4 sites): Puerto Rico Water - Google News: “We Had Gone Back 20 Years.” The Heads of Puerto Rico's Largest Media Company on Life After Hurricane Maria - Harvard Business Review

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
AFP Contributor/Getty Images When Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico in September 2017, it became one of the deadliest storms ever to hit the island. Nearly 3,000 people were killed and parts of the island are still recovering, lacking access to power and clean water more than a year later.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: Building grid solidarity in Puerto Rico - The Hill (blog)

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
It took nearly a year after Hurricane Maria struck the island of Puerto Rico and devastated its electric grid for power be restored to all households on the island. For those who reconnected to the island’s struggling system, frequent service interruptions have remained the norm and continue to generate economic losses and social discontent.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - BingNews: “We Had Gone Back 20 Years.” The Heads of Puerto Rico’s Largest Media Company on Life After Hurricane Maria

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
AFP Contributor/Getty Images When Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico in September 2017, it became one of the deadliest storms ever to hit the island. Nearly 3,000 people were killed and parts of the island are still recovering, lacking access to power and clean water more than a year later.
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Puerto Rico Water from mikenova (4 sites): Puerto Rico Water - Google News: GJ doctor deploys to catastrophic disasters - The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
The physical toll Hurricane Michael took on the Florida Panhandle earlier this month seems comparable in some areas to the devastation Hurricanes Irma and Maria brought on Puerto Rico last year, according to a Mesa County surgeon who deployed to help with medical efforts at both disasters.
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PRN-Video from mikenova (37 sites): efe's YouTube Videos: Rueda de prensa del jugador del Palmeiras brasileño Bruno Henrique

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October 23, 2018
PRN-Video from mikenova (37 sites): efe's YouTube Videos: Rueda de prensa del jugador del Palmeiras brasileño Bruno Henrique
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Dos nuevos contactos avivan la búsqueda del submarino argentino desaparecido
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Asesor de Trump habla con ministro de defensa de Rusia
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Obama alerta, al son de Balvin, de riesgo por falta de movilización electoral
Voice of America: Willa se acerca a costa de México como poderoso huracán categoría 4
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Urge un diálogo sensato sobre la inmigración ilegal - El Nuevo Dia.com
Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites): Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated
The Puerto Rico News and Times - Google News: Plummet in Insect Population in Puerto Rico Rainforest Linked to Climate Change - Interesting Engineering
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): The World News and Times from mikenova (26 sites): 1. My Blogs from mikenova (21 sites): The U.S. and Global Security Review: All over Europe, suspected Russian spies are getting busted
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Buscan saber quién falló
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Legisladores le ponen el ojo a la Policía
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Aprueba hoy la junta nuevo plan fiscal
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Incrédulos familiares y amigos
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in opinion of type article: Las barcazas van, le guste o no a Kike
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Urgen documentar situación de educación especial
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Ultimátum a la UPR
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Fuerte oposición del Senado al traslado de reos
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Supuesta inacción de Justicia en caso de 9-1-1
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Empleados de San Juan desfilan ante gran jurado
www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in opinion of type article: Criando jóvenes frágiles para la vida en la democracia
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Hallan un explosivo en la casa del millonario estadounidense George Soros
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Juez rebaja fianza a madre de dos menores que murieron en incendio en Florida
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Biden urge en Florida a elegir un gobernador que crea en el cambio climático
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: China: Siguen tareas de rescate de mineros atrapados
Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Comienza nuevo juicio contra agente fronterizo por tiroteo
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Hong Kong Stocks Close with Gains of 2.32%
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Islam Takes Root in Community in Southern Mexico
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Spain Reinforces Border Control in Northern Ports to Combat Illegal Migration
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: French Government Advises Schools, Colleges to Ban Mobile Phones If Necessary
PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: EU Allots $8.3 Million to Fight Ebola Outbreak in DR of Congo

PRN-Video from mikenova (37 sites): efe's YouTube Videos: Rueda de prensa del jugador del Palmeiras brasileño Bruno Henrique

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
From: efe Duration: 00:00 El jugador del Palmeiras brasileño Bruno Henrique ofrece una rueda de prensa en Buenos Aires de cara al partido de ida de semifinales de la Copa Libertadores que le enfrentará al Boca Juniors el miércoles en la capital argentina.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Dos nuevos contactos avivan la búsqueda del submarino argentino desaparecido

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Bu Dos nuevos contactos hallados cerca del primer perímetro de búsqueda del submarino argentino ARA San Juan, desaparecido con 44 tripulantes en noviembre de 2017 en el Atlántico Sur, avivan la misión iniciada en septiembre por la empresa estadounidense Ocean Infinity.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Asesor de Trump habla con ministro de defensa de Rusia

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El asesor de seguridad nacional del presidente estadounidense Donald Trump ofreció el martes un tono conciliatorio en conversaciones en Moscú, apenas días después de que Trump dijese que va a sacar al país de un importante tratado de armas nucleares con Rusia.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Obama alerta, al son de Balvin, de riesgo por falta de movilización electoral

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El ex presidente Barack Obama alertó el lunes de las “peligrosas” consecuencias para la democracia que podría tener una falta de movilización del electorado demócrata de cara a los comicios legislativos del 6 de noviembre, en un acto en el que actuó el reguetonero colombiano J Balvin.
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Voice of America: Willa se acerca a costa de México como poderoso huracán categoría 4

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El huracán Willa se debilitó levemente a categoría 4 el lunes al acercarse a la costa occidental de México, donde se ubican varios centros turísticos, mientras las autoridades preparaban refugios temporales y pedían a residentes extremar las precauciones antes de su llegada.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Urge un diálogo sensato sobre la inmigración ilegal - El Nuevo Dia.com

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
La marcha de migrantes que se propone cruzar la frontera de México con Estados Unidos debe motivar a la reflexión sobre las circunstancias inhumanas que suelen empujar a la migración ilegal, así como las políticas de regulación fronteriza de los países que se convierten en destinos forzados de ese movimiento humano.
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Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites): Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
This RSS feed URL is deprecated, please update. New URLs can be found in the footers at https://news.google.com/news Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
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The Puerto Rico News and Times - Google News: Plummet in Insect Population in Puerto Rico Rainforest Linked to Climate Change - Interesting Engineering

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Insect numbers in Puerto Rico’s Luquillo rainforest have plummeted 10 to 60 times since the 1970’s a new report has revealed. This alarming fall in numbers has led to the unraveling of the of the forests food web causing spikes in drops in other animals such including a decline in the animals that consume insects such as frogs, lizards, and birds.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): The World News and Times from mikenova (26 sites): 1. My Blogs from mikenova (21 sites): The U.S. and Global Security Review: All over Europe, suspected Russian spies are getting busted

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
October 23, 2018 Operation Novichok All over Europe, suspected Russian spies are getting busted Shoigu Says At Talks With Bolton Russian-US Dialogue Gradually Resuming Trump's adviser meets Russian defense minister in Moscow 'Putin's chef' Evgeny Prigozhin is implicated in murders, poisonings, and kidnappings; Meduza profiles Maria ...
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Buscan saber quién falló

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El manejo que la Policía le dio a la supuesta desaparición del empleado de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE), Francisco A.
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Legisladores le ponen el ojo a la Policía

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Los presidentes de las Comisiones de Seguridad Pública en la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado pidieron al Departamento de Seguridad Pública (DSP) que se inicie una investigación administrativa en el Negociado de la Policía en relación a la muerte de un empleado de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE).
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Aprueba hoy la junta nuevo plan fiscal

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El plan fiscal revisado que la Junta Federal de Control Fiscal se dispone a aprobar hoy se basa en la expectativa de que el gobierno cumplirá con todas las reformas impuestas por ese ente, incluidos los cambios al plan de pensiones, las reducciones en el gobierno y la eliminación del bono de Navidad que ya la administración Rosselló se prepara para pagar.
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Incrédulos familiares y amigos

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Sorprendidos e indignados. Así reaccionaron ayer familiares y amigos cercanos ante el hecho de que cadáver del desaparecido empleado de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE), Francisco Anthony Chevres Rivera, fue hallado en la guagua que conducía al momento de sufrir un accidente el jueves pasado, la cual fue ocupada por agentes de la Policía y llevada al estacionamiento de la División de Tránsito de Bayamón.
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in opinion of type article: Las barcazas van, le guste o no a Kike

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Ese ha sido el “llamado” desde que comencé a destapar el plan del “gas natural” sobre ruedas que luego se convirtió en barcazas para la Central San Juan.
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Urgen documentar situación de educación especial

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Integrantes del Movimiento por la Niñez y Educación Pública se hicieron parte de una resolución que radicó ayer el senador del Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP), Juan Dalmau, para investigar el cumplimiento del Departamento de Educación (DE) con sus obligaciones hacia los niños de educación especial.
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Ultimátum a la UPR

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
La directora ejecutiva de la Junta Federal de Control Fiscal, Natalie Jaresko, insistió en que la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) no puede seguir operando como hasta ahora y defendió el plan fiscal que aprobarán hoy para la institución pública.
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Fuerte oposición del Senado al traslado de reos

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El Senado aprobó ayer oponerse a los planes del Departamento de Corrección y Rehabilitación (DCR) de trasladar a más de 1,000 reos a la cárcel de Tallahatchie, en el estado de Misisipí.
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Supuesta inacción de Justicia en caso de 9-1-1

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El 80% de las llamadas que recibe el Negociado de Emergencias 9-1-1 no son de urgencia, señaló ayer la comisionada designada de esa entidad, Yazmín González Morales, durante una vista pública que celebró la Comisión de Nombramientos del Senado.
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Empleados de San Juan desfilan ante gran jurado

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Preguntas sobre la destrucción de documentos, del proceso general de compras y del acceso de la directora de la División de Compras y Subastas del municipio de San Juan a las computadoras de los compradores, fueron los temas principales de las preguntas formuladas a empleados del ayuntamiento que comparecieron ayer ante un gran jurado que sesiona sobre presuntos actos de corrupción en esa oficina.
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www.elvocero.com - RSS Results in opinion of type article: Criando jóvenes frágiles para la vida en la democracia

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Recuerdo de mi infancia y adolescencia cómo jugábamos afuera de la casa a los vaqueros, al esconder, corríamos patines y bicicleta por todo Santurce sin casco protector ni rodilleras.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Hallan un explosivo en la casa del millonario estadounidense George Soros

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
La policía localizó este lunes un explosivo en la casa que el multimillonario y filántropo estadounidense George Soros tiene en Bedford (Nueva York), informaron medios locales.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Juez rebaja fianza a madre de dos menores que murieron en incendio en Florida

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Un juez del condado de Broward redujo de 300,000 a 20,000 dólares la fianza impuesta a una madre hispana por la muerte de sus dos hijas menores en un incendio que se desató en su vivienda mientras ella se encontraba en el trabajo, informaron el lunes medios locales.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Biden urge en Florida a elegir un gobernador que crea en el cambio climático

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El ex vicepresidente Joe Biden instó el lunes a los votantes de Florida a elegir el 6 de noviembre un gobernador que crea en el cambio climático, en un acto en Tampa en apoyo del candidato demócrata a la Gobernación, Andrew Gillum.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: China: Siguen tareas de rescate de mineros atrapados

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Equipos de emergencias pasaban trabajos el martes para rescatar a los 18 mineros atrapados bajo tierra tras el desplome tres días antes de una mina de carbón en el oriente de China.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Comienza nuevo juicio contra agente fronterizo por tiroteo

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Fiscales federales en Estados Unidos van a enjuiciar de nuevo a un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza que mató a tiros un adolescente mexicano de 16 años a través de la frontera pero que fue absuelto de asesinato en un juicio este año.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Hong Kong Stocks Close with Gains of 2.32%

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Hong Kong Stocks Close with Gains of 2.32% HONG KONG – The Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s benchmark Hang Seng index closed on Monday with gains of 2.32 percent, or 591.75 points, to stand at 26,153.15.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Islam Takes Root in Community in Southern Mexico

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Islam Takes Root in Community in Southern Mexico SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS, Mexico – A growing number of members of the Tzotzil indigenous community are converting to Islam in this city in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas.Ibrahim Chechev, born Anastasio Gomez to a family of Tzotzil Indians in San Juan Chamula, a few years ago converted to Islam, as did his parents, wife and children.To prevent clashes with the local Chamula community – whose religious practices are an eclectic mixture of traditional Spanish Catholicism and an assortment of Mayan rituals and beliefs – Chechev relocated to neighboring San Cristobal de las Casas, some six miles away.Chechev is one of the some 2,000 locals who have converted to Islam in a state where Catholics, Protestants, Jews and a variety of other religions peacefully coexist.After conversion, Tzotzil Muslims adopt an assortment of Islamic traditions, including the wearing of a turban of kufi and praying five times a day.The Muslim community has thrived in Chiapas in such a way that there is even a group of children educated under the Abrahamic religion’s principles, including the teaching of the Koran.While the members of the community grew up speaking Tzotzil and are fluent in Spanish, they now use Arabic in their prayers and to greet each other with the traditional “assalamu alaikum,” which translates to “peace be with you.”“Fortunately, San Cristobal de las Casas is multicultural and there are many religions, Islam being one of them since 1996,” Ibrahim said about the town, where four Muslim communities have taken root, adding that the religion is growing in the area, with between 70 and 80 members belonging to the Ahmadiyya sect.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Spain Reinforces Border Control in Northern Ports to Combat Illegal Migration

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Spain Reinforces Border Control in Northern Ports to Combat Illegal Migration SANTANDER, Spain – Two mobile border control units were deployed on Monday to intensify custom controls in two major northern Spanish ports on the Bay of Biscay, police said.Spanish authorities announced that as well as the two border control units, part of the European Border Coast Guard, which will work together to tackle the flow of migrants to the ports of Bilbao and Santander, a four-meter-high (13 feet) fence will also be built in the latter city.The head of police of Cantabria, Hector Moreno, said that Spain currently had 10 EBCG mobile units operating in the country, two of which have been diverted to the northern cities in order to cope with a growing flow of illegal migration.The president of the Santander port authority, Jaime Gonzalez, said that the construction of the fence was an independent project which was underway before the mobile border control units were deployed in the region.Gonzalez added that the fence would be difficult to climb and would not have any concertina wiring.Moreno said the new operation was a joint effort between the two cities and ports.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: French Government Advises Schools, Colleges to Ban Mobile Phones If Necessary

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
French Government Advises Schools, Colleges to Ban Mobile Phones If Necessary PARIS – France’s Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer advised schools on Monday to ban the use of cellphones if their presence was creating problems.Blanquer made the recommendation following a case last Thursday in which a 15-year-old pupil allegedly pointed a fake gun at a teacher so she would mark him present after he arrived late to class, an incident that was filmed on a phone and shared online.“We will restore order,” the minister told French daily Le Parisien in an interview in which he “encouraged” schools that faced “abnormal” situations to make use of a new law allowing phones to be banned, adding that last week’s incident “had shown we have the right to systematize the ban on telephones at schools and colleges.”He said school directors should organize disciplinary councils when necessary, pointing out that one would be taking place at Edouard-Branly de Creteil school in Paris’ southeastern suburbs following the fake gun incident there.Blanquer condemned the act on Twitter on Saturday and vowed that disciplinary action would be taken against the student.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: EU Allots $8.3 Million to Fight Ebola Outbreak in DR of Congo

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
EU Allots $8.3 Million to Fight Ebola Outbreak in DR of Congo BRUSSELS – The European Union has allocated an additional 7.2 million euros ($8.3 million) to intensify the fight against the Ebola virus which was on the rise in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the European Commission said Monday.The EU had already invested 5.63 million euros in the struggle to control the Ebola outbreak in the DRC, bringing the total EU response package to 12.83 million euros.“We need to win the fight against the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo which has claimed, so far, over 150 lives,” the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, said in a statement.
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