Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - RSS Results in opinion of type article: El odio: Al servicio de campañas políticas

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October 31, 2018 - RSS Results in opinion of type article: El odio: Al servicio de campañas políticas - RSS Results in opinion of type article: A medio siglo del derrame del OCEAN EAGLE
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: ¿Para quién trabaja la Junta? - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: El fenómeno Bolsonaro - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Implantando el nuevo Plan Fiscal - El Nuevo - RSS Results in opinion of type article: El odio: Al servicio de campañas políticas

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
El odio es un instrumento poderoso que soslaya las ansias de poder en escenarios políticos totalitarios.
Read More - RSS Results in opinion of type article: A medio siglo del derrame del OCEAN EAGLE

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
El presente año marca medio siglo desde que ocurriera el encallamiento del buque cisterna OCEAN EAGLE a la entrada del Puerto de San Juan, el 3 de marzo de 1968, su ruptura en dos partes y el derrame de su contenido de petróleo crudo afectando la bahía de San Juan y toda costa aledaña.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: ¿Para quién trabaja la Junta? - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
La aprobación del Plan Fiscal para Puerto Rico por la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal (JSF) ha creado dudas sobre las nuevas proyecciones de ingreso, el producto bruto y el crecimiento económico para la isla, que ahora la Junta estima en un 7.8% para 2019.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: El fenómeno Bolsonaro - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
América Latina transita por una nueva ola de gobiernos de derecha, que ha tenido como expresión extrema el triunfo electoral de Jair Bolsonaro en Brasil.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Implantando el nuevo Plan Fiscal - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
La elaboración de planes fiscales es una de las encomiendas más importantes de Promesa, ya que señalan el camino hacia el balance fiscal, el regreso a los mercados de capital y el crecimiento y la sostenibilidad económica de la isla en el futuro.
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Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Government Lawyer Says Puerto Rico's Hurricane Response Plan 'Does Not Exist' -

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October 31, 2018
Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Government Lawyer Says Puerto Rico's Hurricane Response Plan 'Does Not Exist' -
New Energy PR - Google News: The CEO of BCPG Plc. Gains Global Recognition for Innovation and ... - PR Newswire (press release)
Renewable Energy - Google News: Chile: Land of opportunity for renewable energy - PV-Tech (blog)
Renewable Energy - Google News: Millions pumped into fight for, against Arizona's renewable energy proposition - Arizona Daily Star
New Energy PR - Google News: New Energy Vehicle Bms Market - Key Players Growth and Strategies2018- 2025 - Digital Journal

Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Government Lawyer Says Puerto Rico's Hurricane Response Plan 'Does Not Exist' -

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
Officials in Puerto Rico have been saying for months that they are prepared should another hurricane strike their island, even one as big as Hurricane Maria, which made landfall with devastating fury last fall.
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New Energy PR - Google News: The CEO of BCPG Plc. Gains Global Recognition for Innovation and ... - PR Newswire (press release)

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
LONDON, October 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The President and CEO of BCPG Plc has been recognised as a leader in his field in the Business Worldwide Magazine (BWM) 2018 CEO Awards.
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Renewable Energy - Google News: Chile: Land of opportunity for renewable energy - PV-Tech (blog)

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
The Chilean wind and solar market can now be considered a pioneer in the grid parity trend that is currently developing in Southern Europe. Credit: Prothea Chile has been historically characterized as a country heavily dependent on imported fuels and its growing need for energy has been satisfied by burning coal and diesel.
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Renewable Energy - Google News: Millions pumped into fight for, against Arizona's renewable energy proposition - Arizona Daily Star

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
The state’s largest electric company has now poured more than $30 million into its bid to persuade Arizonans not to force it and other utilities to use more renewable resources.
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New Energy PR - Google News: New Energy Vehicle Bms Market - Key Players Growth and Strategies2018- 2025 - Digital Journal

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
A closer look at the aspects including but not limited to New Energy Vehicle Bms market segmentation by the end-user, end-use, geography, type, and application forms an integral part of the research report.
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Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: SIRIA CONFLICTO - Mattis aboga por marcha de Asad ante la falta de credibilidad en una futura elección

crime in puerto rico statistics - Google News: OPED: Regan thanks supporters of welfare reform bill - York Dispatch

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October 31, 2018
crime in puerto rico statistics - Google News: OPED: Regan thanks supporters of welfare reform bill - York Dispatch
Anger, controversy follow Trump on visit to grieving Pittsburgh
serial killers puerto rico - Google News: Stranger (Than Usual) Things To Do in Seattle This Week: Oct 30-Nov 4, 2018 -
tourist crime in puerto rico - Google News: Letters to the Editor, Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018 - Naples Daily News
crime rates puerto rico - Google News: Letters to the Editor, Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018 - Naples Daily News

crime in puerto rico statistics - Google News: OPED: Regan thanks supporters of welfare reform bill - York Dispatch

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
State Sen. Mike Regan, 31st District Published 7:08 a.m. ET Oct. 31, 2018 Buy PhotoSenator Mike Regan and York County District Attorney Dave Sunday, left, appear at a press conference Thursday, July 19, 2018, at the York County Administration Center, announcing Senate Bill 1222.
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Anger, controversy follow Trump on visit to grieving Pittsburgh
First lady Melania Trump, accompanied by President Donald Trump, and Tree of Life Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, right, puts down a white flower at a memorial for those killed at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Tuesday, Oct.
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serial killers puerto rico - Google News: Stranger (Than Usual) Things To Do in Seattle This Week: Oct 30-Nov 4, 2018 -

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
Beat your post-Halloween blues at the third annual Cunning Crow Witches' Ball & Pop-Up Market on Saturday, where you and your coven can dance to indie-rock, shop from mystical vendors, and enter a costume contest.
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tourist crime in puerto rico - Google News: Letters to the Editor, Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018 - Naples Daily News

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
Letters to the Editor(Photo: Stock file) Wrong choice in District 80The editorial appearing Oct. 16, headlined “Legislature needs voice of microbiologist Boddicker,” aka the Naples Daily News endorsement of Boddicker over incumbent state Rep.
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crime rates puerto rico - Google News: Letters to the Editor, Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018 - Naples Daily News

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
Letters to the Editor(Photo: Stock file) Wrong choice in District 80The editorial appearing Oct. 16, headlined “Legislature needs voice of microbiologist Boddicker,” aka the Naples Daily News endorsement of Boddicker over incumbent state Rep.
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Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: YIHADISTAS SIRIA - Hallan una fosa común con más de 1.500 cadáveres en Al Raqa, según un diario

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October 31, 2018
Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: YIHADISTAS SIRIA - Hallan una fosa común con más de 1.500 cadáveres en Al Raqa, según un diario
Voice of America: EE.UU.: Infraestructura electoral segura antes de elecciones del martes - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Arrestan a fugitivo federal
Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: Voice of America: Fiscal saudí se reúne con inteligencia turca por asesinato de Khashoggi - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: ICE intercepta yola en Cerro Gordo

Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: YIHADISTAS SIRIA - Hallan una fosa común con más de 1.500 cadáveres en Al Raqa, según un diario

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
Cuerpos de rescate y voluntarios han hallado una fosa común en la ciudad siria de Al Raqa con más de 1.500 cadáveres de civiles en su interior, informó hoy el diario sirio progubernamental Al Watan.
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Voice of America: EE.UU.: Infraestructura electoral segura antes de elecciones del martes

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
WASHINGTON —  Los sensores cibernéticos desplegados para monitorear la seguridad de los sistemas de votación en Estados Unidos no encuentran signos de un ataque inminente en las elecciones de medio plazo a solo una semana de los comicios, según funcionarios estadounidenses.
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
El task force de ofensores violentos de los alguaciles federales arrestaron anoche a un fugitivo federal contra quien pesaba una orden de arresto por ley de armas a nivel federal.
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Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: Voice of America: Fiscal saudí se reúne con inteligencia turca por asesinato de Khashoggi

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
October 31, 2018 Puerto Rico - PR Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: Voice of America: Fiscal saudí se reúne con inteligencia turca por asesinato de Khashoggi PRN-Spanish from mikenova (55 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites): Puerto Rico Rebuilding of Services and Infrastructure after Maria - Google News: Saving hurricane-felled trees in Puerto Rico - The Ecologist Puerto Rico Newswire: Making the Difference Awards Bestowed on National Leaders PRN-Video from mikenova (37 sites): efe's YouTube Videos: Pelayo: "Me voy con la cara más amable del fútbol, la unión entre compañeros" PRN-Video from mikenova (37 sites): efe's YouTube Videos: SM el Rey inicia la lectura pública del texto constitucional Puerto Rico News Blog Posts Review: Voice of America: Fiscal saudí se reúne con inteligencia turca por asesinato de Khashoggi PRN from mikenova (108 sites) October 31, 2018 Puerto Rico - Main Current Events Voice of America: Fiscal saudí se reúne con inteligencia turca por asesinato de Khashoggi Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Cirujano español reconstruye rostro y mano de un hombre atacado por una hiena Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Florida destina $3,5 millones para facilitar flujo agua en Everglades Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Ex empleado de PDVSA admite sobornos y lavado de activos ante Justicia de EEUU Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Buque choca con grúa y causa incendio en puerto de Barcelona Voice of America: Fiscal saudí se reúne con inteligencia turca por asesinato de Khashoggi Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (67 sites) El fiscal general de Arabia Saudí, de visita en Estambul en medio de la investigación por el asesinato del periodista saudí Jamal Khashoggi, se reunió en la noche del martes con funcionarios de inteligencia de Turquía, según informes de medios turcos publicados el miércoles.
Read More - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: ICE intercepta yola en Cerro Gordo

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
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Puerto Rico Anti-English Discrimination from mikenova (2 sites): Water Wars in Puerto Rico - Google News: Nigeria, 9 Countries Move To Popularise National Parks, Heritage Sites - Leadership Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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October 31, 2018
Puerto Rico Anti-English Discrimination from mikenova (2 sites): Water Wars in Puerto Rico - Google News: Nigeria, 9 Countries Move To Popularise National Parks, Heritage Sites - Leadership Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Puerto Rico Rebuilding of Services and Infrastructure after Maria - Google News: Saving hurricane-felled trees in Puerto Rico - The Ecologist
Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: Saving hurricane-felled trees in Puerto Rico - The Ecologist
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: Puerto Rico mayor explores nuclear energy solutions - Caribbean Business

Puerto Rico Anti-English Discrimination from mikenova (2 sites): Water Wars in Puerto Rico - Google News: Nigeria, 9 Countries Move To Popularise National Parks, Heritage Sites - Leadership Newspaper (press release) (blog)

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
CHIKA OKEKE writes on the need for  effective collaboration with ‘heritage bikers tour project’ in a bid to raise resources for the management of national parks and heritage sites.
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Puerto Rico Rebuilding of Services and Infrastructure after Maria - Google News: Saving hurricane-felled trees in Puerto Rico - The Ecologist

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Puerto Rico is facing challenges on many fronts: large debts, poor infrastructure, and an economy in tatters. Added to this, Hurricanes Irma and Maria brought the largest devastation seen on the island since the 1930s.
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Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: Saving hurricane-felled trees in Puerto Rico - The Ecologist

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Puerto Rico is facing challenges on many fronts: large debts, poor infrastructure, and an economy in tatters. Added to this, Hurricanes Irma and Maria brought the largest devastation seen on the island since the 1930s.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: Puerto Rico mayor explores nuclear energy solutions - Caribbean Business

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
SAN JUAN – The mayor of San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, Javier Jiménez, is exploring the possibility of using nuclear energy to supply the island’s energy needs.
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Latin American Herald Tribune: MacBook, iPad Enlarge, Enhance Screens Following iPhone Model

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October 31, 2018
Latin American Herald Tribune: MacBook, iPad Enlarge, Enhance Screens Following iPhone Model
Latin American Herald Tribune: Santi Mina Leads Valencia 2-1 over Ebro in Copa del Rey
Latin American Herald Tribune: New Paraguayan Armed Forces Chief Sworn In
Latin American Herald Tribune: Bolivia Improves Atlantic Access with New River Ports
Latin American Herald Tribune: National Church of Kuwait: A Multicultural Place for Worship in Oil-Rich Land

Latin American Herald Tribune: MacBook, iPad Enlarge, Enhance Screens Following iPhone Model

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
MacBook, iPad Enlarge, Enhance Screens Following iPhone Model SAN FRANCISCO – After unveiling its latest iPhones in September, Apple highlighted on Tuesday its computers and tablets with updates to the MacBook Air and iPad Pro, which incorporate larger and higher quality screens, a path the firm had already trod with its signature mobile phone.The updated iPad Pro was designed with the aim of eliminating – as much as possible – everything that takes up space on the device but is not screen, a trend that has been underway over the past few years among practically all the big tech firms.Apple said that for the first time since it released its first tablet in 2010, it has dispensed with the menu button, meaning that – along with a substantial reduction in the size of its devices – it has been able to actually increase the screen size.For the two versions that Apple will bring to market, the smaller has a screen size of 11 inches, one inch larger than the earlier model but with the same overall dimensions for the device, and the larger will have one of 13 inches.The Cupertino, California-based company has also incorporated into its new tablets another feature from its recently released iPhone model – the Face ID facial recognition system, which creates a three-dimensional map of the user’s face so that only he or she may activate the device or perform certain operations.The new iPad Pros include the A12X Bionic chip, one TB of storage capacity and a battery that the firm says can operate the device continuously for 10 hours.The device’s 12-megapixel camera can record video in 4K/60 and it has four different speakers.The smaller of the new tablets will cost $998 and the larger one $1,248 and may be bought online starting on Tuesday and in stores starting on Nov.
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Latin American Herald Tribune: Santi Mina Leads Valencia 2-1 over Ebro in Copa del Rey

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
Santi Mina Leads Valencia 2-1 over Ebro in Copa del Rey ZARAGOZA, Spain – Santi Mina scored twice on Tuesday to give Valencia CF a 2-1 win over third-division side C.D.
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Latin American Herald Tribune: New Paraguayan Armed Forces Chief Sworn In

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
New Paraguayan Armed Forces Chief Sworn In ASUNCION – Air force Gen. Eladio Casimiro Gonzalez was sworn in as commander of the Paraguayan armed forces during a ceremony Tuesday at the Francisco Solano Lopez Military Academy in Capiata, a city located about 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) from Asuncion, attended by President Mario Abdo Benitez.Gonzalez replaces Adm.
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Latin American Herald Tribune: Bolivia Improves Atlantic Access with New River Ports

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
Bolivia Improves Atlantic Access with New River Ports PUERTO JENNEFER, Bolivia – Bolivian President Evo Morales delivered on Tuesday the certifications for three international ports on the Paraguay-Parana waterway, an event he described as “an historic day” in his landlocked nation’s bid to enhance its river access to the Atlantic Ocean.The ports of Aguirre, Gravetal and Jennefer received their accreditation as international-class terminals, which places them on the same level as the other ports along the waterway shared with Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, Morales said.The president presided over the ceremony in Puerto Jennefer, near the border between Bolivia and Brazil, accompanied by port authorities, business executives and the Bolivian navy brass.Morales explained that a large part of the cargo from eastern Bolivia now can be shipped to the Pacific Ocean via Chile, but by adding the water route to the Atlantic, the landlocked nation’s foreign trade will benefit from lower costs.The Bolivian government had pushed for this exit to the Atlantic as well as a conduit to the Pacific via the Peruvian port of Ilo, where it has been accorded preferential use, following the adverse ruling of the International Court of Justice in La Paz’s suit demanding that Chile negotiate sovereign access to the sea for Bolivia.On Oct.
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Latin American Herald Tribune: National Church of Kuwait: A Multicultural Place for Worship in Oil-Rich Land

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
National Church of Kuwait: A Multicultural Place for Worship in Oil-Rich Land KUWAIT CITY – The National Evangelical Church of Kuwait serves as a multicultural meeting place in the oil-rich Persian Gulf, the church’s minister said on Tuesday in an exclusive interview with EFE.Pastor Emmanuel Gharib, the first Gulf-born priest to head a Protestant church, explained that his congregation was made up of 85 ethnicities, with many churchgoers having moved to Kuwait for work.“We have 85 congregations of different languages praying in the complex,” Gharib said.
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