Thursday, November 1, 2018

el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Qué implica el trumpismo para Puerto Rico - El Nuevo

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November 01, 2018
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Qué implica el trumpismo para Puerto Rico - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Elecciones congresionales: una batalla de género - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Bombas, tiros y odio - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Las enseñanzas de Israel - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Tenemos que construir la convivencia de la paz - El Nuevo

el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Qué implica el trumpismo para Puerto Rico - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
Quizás es muy temprano para comprender a cabalidad las repercusiones del trumpismo en Puerto Rico.   Sin embargo, ya hay cambios importantes en la política americana y esto incluye su postura hacia la isla.   A pesar del ingente esfuerzo de nuestro gobierno por ignorarlo, el trumpismo representa una nueva realidad para nosotros.  ¿Qué implica esto para los puertorriqueños?                                    
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Elecciones congresionales: una batalla de género - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
Las elecciones congresionales de “medio término” a celebrarse el próximo martes en Estados Unidos se caracterizan por dos elementos fundamentales. 
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Bombas, tiros y odio - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
La noticia de que personas vinculadas al Partido Demócrata —o que eran muy vocales en torno a la gestión y conducta del presidente Donald Trump— recibieron artefactos explosivos acaparó los titulares de todos los periódicos del planeta.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Las enseñanzas de Israel - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
Apesar de las profundas diferencias y discriminaciones entre los palestinos y los israelíes, para los palestinos, el modelo socioeconómico a implantar en una Palestina soberana es el de Israel, no el de los principales países árabes como Egipto, Jordania, Siria y Arabia Saudí.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Tenemos que construir la convivencia de la paz - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
Las amenazas desde Puerto Rico contra comunidades judías y personas de la raza negra, que ayer condujeron al arresto de un sospechoso en San Germán, activan alarmas para que desde todos los sectores redoblemos el trabajo por la unidad y la paz.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: Abierta la puerta para el proceso de licitación de compañías que interesen administrar el sistema de distribución y transmisión de la Autoridad de Energía Elé

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November 01, 2018
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: Abierta la puerta para el proceso de licitación de compañías que interesen administrar el sistema de distribución y transmisión de la Autoridad de Energía Elé
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: Collaborating for Puerto Rico's energy transformation - GreenBiz
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - BingNews: GOP attorney general wannabe represented hedge fund that critics charged tried to capitalize on Puerto Rico's financial woes
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: El #TeamAEE de la Técnica de Guaynabo repara el alumbrado público #AEECaminoSeguro en la barriada Alto del Cabro en Santurce.
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: INTERRUPCIÓN PROGRAMADA: Mañana jueves, 1 de noviembre de 8:30am a 2:30pm podría interrumpirse el servicio eléctrico para hacer trabajos de relocalización de línea las calles San Alejandro y San Diego de la Urb San Ignacio la calle Acacia final de Santa María en Río Piedras. CC7

Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: Abierta la puerta para el proceso de licitación de compañías que interesen administrar el sistema de distribución y transmisión de la Autoridad de Energía Elé

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
Abierta la puerta para el proceso de licitación de compañías que interesen administrar el sistema de distribución y transmisión de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - Google News: Collaborating for Puerto Rico's energy transformation - GreenBiz

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
More than a year after Hurricane Maria passed by, Puerto Rico’s energy system does not fully meet the needs of the 3.4 million American citizens who live on the island. It is also not sufficient to sustain local commerce, which is worth $105 billion of GDP annually, and which includes high-tech manufacturing companies that have entrusted their operations to the island.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - BingNews: GOP attorney general wannabe represented hedge fund that critics charged tried to capitalize on Puerto Rico's financial woes

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
Knighthead Capital in 2017 also pushed a plan after Hurricane Maria devastated the island and destroyed its power utility that critics said sought to protect the bondholders more than help the island ...
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: El #TeamAEE de la Técnica de Guaynabo repara el alumbrado público #AEECaminoSeguro en la barriada Alto del Cabro en Santurce.

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
El #TeamAEE de la Técnica de Guaynabo repara el alumbrado público #AEECaminoSeguro en la barriada Alto del Cabro en Santurce. #HoyConstruimos Twitter Search / AEEONLINE
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: INTERRUPCIÓN PROGRAMADA: Mañana jueves, 1 de noviembre de 8:30am a 2:30pm podría interrumpirse el servicio eléctrico para hacer trabajos de relocalización de línea las calles San Alejandro y San Diego de la Urb San Ignacio la calle Acacia final de Santa María en Río Piedras. CC7

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
INTERRUPCIÓN PROGRAMADA: Mañana jueves, 1 de noviembre de 8:30am a 2:30pm podría interrumpirse el servicio eléctrico para hacer trabajos de relocalización de línea las calles San Alejandro y San Diego de la Urb San Ignacio la calle Acacia final de Santa María en Río Piedras.
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OPINION: Falling Back an Hour with Daylight Saving Time: Is it Good or Bad?

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November 01, 2018
OPINION: Falling Back an Hour with Daylight Saving Time: Is it Good or Bad?
crime rates puerto rico - Google News: Fact check: Trump's false, misleading tweets since he became president -
crime in puerto rico - Google News: Fact check: Trump's false, misleading tweets since he became president -
crime in puerto rico - Google News: Birth of a Birthright - POLITICO Magazine
crime in puerto rico statistics - Google News: Fact check: Trump's false, misleading tweets since he became president -

OPINION: Falling Back an Hour with Daylight Saving Time: Is it Good or Bad? News
On Sunday morning, daylight saving time will end and we will “gain” an hour. (By the way, it’s “daylight saving time,” not “savings.”) This means you’ll “gain” an extra hour at the price of the sun setting sooner in the afternoon.
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crime rates puerto rico - Google News: Fact check: Trump's false, misleading tweets since he became president -

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
President Donald Trump Joe Raedle President Donald Trump says social media is “my form of telling the truth.” In fact, there are many well documented examples of Trump — as a candidate and as president — spreading false information on Twitter.
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crime in puerto rico - Google News: Fact check: Trump's false, misleading tweets since he became president -

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
President Donald Trump Joe Raedle President Donald Trump says social media is “my form of telling the truth.” In fact, there are many well documented examples of Trump — as a candidate and as president — spreading false information on Twitter.
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crime in puerto rico - Google News: Birth of a Birthright - POLITICO Magazine

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
John H. Wise was the scion of an old Virginia family, from Accomack County on the eastern shore. His relatives were fierce defenders of slavery—especially his Uncle Henry, who had overseen the hanging of the insurgent abolitionist John Brown as governor, then served as a Confederate brigadier general in the Civil War.
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crime in puerto rico statistics - Google News: Fact check: Trump's false, misleading tweets since he became president -

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
President Donald Trump Joe Raedle President Donald Trump says social media is “my form of telling the truth.” In fact, there are many well documented examples of Trump — as a candidate and as president — spreading false information on Twitter.
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Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: Con socios de lujo, Twitter fortalece estrategia de contenido para Latinoamérica

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November 01, 2018
Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: Con socios de lujo, Twitter fortalece estrategia de contenido para Latinoamérica
Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: Demanda acusa a Weinstein de abusar de modelo de 16 años
Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: Tras mucho entusiasmo, compañías de EEUU pierden interés en #Cuba
Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: #Maduro considera “gran ofensa” la resolución de Congreso español en su contra
Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: Trump: Tropas en frontera con México podrían llegar a 15.000 …

Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: Con socios de lujo, Twitter fortalece estrategia de contenido para Latinoamérica

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
Con socios de lujo, Twitter fortalece estrategia de contenido para Latinoamérica @soniaosoriog — el Nuevo Herald (@elnuevoherald) November 1, 2018
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Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: Demanda acusa a Weinstein de abusar de modelo de 16 años

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
Demanda acusa a Weinstein de abusar de modelo de 16 años — el Nuevo Herald (@elnuevoherald) November 1, 2018
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Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: Tras mucho entusiasmo, compañías de EEUU pierden interés en #Cuba

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
Tras mucho entusiasmo, compañías de EEUU pierden interés en #Cuba — el Nuevo Herald (@elnuevoherald) November 1, 2018
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Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: #Maduro considera “gran ofensa” la resolución de Congreso español en su contra

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
#Maduro considera “gran ofensa” la resolución de Congreso español en su contra #Venezuela — el Nuevo Herald (@elnuevoherald) November 1, 2018
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Twitter Search / elnuevoherald: Trump: Tropas en frontera con México podrían llegar a 15.000 …

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
Trump: Tropas en frontera con México podrían llegar a 15.000 … Twitter Search / elnuevoherald
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): blackout puerto rico - Google News: Collaborating for Puerto Rico's energy transformation - GreenBiz

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November 01, 2018
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): blackout puerto rico - Google News: Collaborating for Puerto Rico's energy transformation - GreenBiz
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - BingNews: Montana man part of effort to spay, neuter 20,000 animals in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Infrastructure - BingNews: How School Choice Is Lifting Up Puerto Rico’s Children After Hurricane Maria
Puerto Rico Infrastructure - BingNews: ‘Listening to Puerto Rico’: ND professors document stories from Hurricane Maria

Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): blackout puerto rico - Google News: Collaborating for Puerto Rico's energy transformation - GreenBiz

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
More than a year after Hurricane Maria passed by, Puerto Rico’s energy system does not fully meet the needs of the 3.4 million American citizens who live on the island. It is also not sufficient to sustain local commerce, which is worth $105 billion of GDP annually, and which includes high-tech manufacturing companies that have entrusted their operations to the island.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): puerto rico electricity - BingNews: Montana man part of effort to spay, neuter 20,000 animals in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Pauli will be working in one of seven clinics set up across Puerto Rico when he arrives ... of homes still don’t have consistent power. The hurricane also forced many families to abandon ...
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Puerto Rico Infrastructure - BingNews: How School Choice Is Lifting Up Puerto Rico’s Children After Hurricane Maria

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Thirteen months ago on Sept. 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria slammed the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico, devastating homes and infrastructure and leading to loss of life across the island.
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Puerto Rico Infrastructure - BingNews: ‘Listening to Puerto Rico’: ND professors document stories from Hurricane Maria

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
A few months after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in Sept. 2017, Marisel Moreno received an email. The email was addressed to her and Thomas F. Anderson, both professors of romance languages and literature.
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M.N.: Investigate FBI for being “Obamized” by Obama, in all respects. – 7:29 AM 11/1/2018 – The News and Times

mikenova shares "M.N.: Investigate FBI for being "Obamized" by Obama, in all respects. – 7:29 AM 11/1/2018 – The News and Times" from The News and Times:

M.N.: Und ziz iz zi truth.

M.N.: Investigate FBI for being "Obamized" by Obama, in all respects. – 7:29 AM 11/1/2018 – The News and Times

7:08 AM 11/1/2018 – Long Post: “Meadows: Investigate FBI for being ‘weaponized’ by Obama”. | M.N.: Investigate FBI for being “Obamized” by Obama, in all respects. 

This is the big, absolutely unexplored and unaddressed, and quite painful subject. It must be investigated, in all the possible respects and implications also, and this phenomenon (non-doubtful?) has to be studied. 

There is no need for the “Obama’s FBI” or “Trump’s FBI”. There is a tremendous need for the US Domestic Intelligence Service, be it the FBI or any other (competition is the engine of perfection), which is healthy and well functioning. It does not appear that presently the current FBI fits these criteria. 


In Brief – Saved Stories

Saved Stories – None
Meadows: Investigate FBI for being ‘weaponized’ by Obama –
FBI agent’s account of kidnap victim’s death not backed by evidence: police
FactChecking Trump’s Twitter ‘Truth’ –
National Archives releases draft indictment of Richard Nixon amid Mueller probe – CNN
Conspiracy theorist becomes key figure as Mueller builds case – ABC News
Arizona man charged in FBI sting allegedly built bombs in Las Vegas
Fact check: Is Trump’s Twitter ‘truth’ false? –
Fact Check: Looking at Trump’s Twitter ‘Truth’ – NBC4 Washington
James ‘Whitey’ Bulger: How one of America’s most wanted turned FBI informer – Irish Examiner
Mark Meadows Says FBI May Have Secretly Recorded Trump Campaign Aide – The Daily Caller
THURSDAY AT 5: FBI Pittsburgh tracks online drug sales, ‘very much almost like an Amazon’ – WPXI Pittsburgh
‘You won’t find me making that kind of mistake again’: Andrew Gillum talks FBI agent, trust –
How the FBI catches costumed criminals – KPNX
FBI arrests man for allegedly showing undercover agents how to make a bomb – CNN
FBI warns of scammers trying to profit from Tree of Life massacre – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Probes of Trump’s Tormentors May End –
fbi surveillance – Google News: James ‘Whitey’ Bulger: How one of America’s most wanted turned FBI informer – Irish Examiner
fbi – Google News: FBI warns of scammers trying to profit from Tree of Life massacre – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Christopher Wray – Google News: Mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc planned ‘domestic terrorist attack’ since July, prosecutors say – Sand Hills Express
Andrew McCabe – Google News: Fact Check: Looking at Trump’s Twitter ‘Truth’ – NBC4 Washington
fbi – Google News: FBI arrests man for allegedly showing undercover agents how to make a bomb – CNN
FBI News Updates: FBI investigating ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s death as homicide
Did they have a tip? It might mean that it was a set-up; that someone (Abwehr 2? Skripal? Mr. X?) had arranged it.…
What is Gab and Who Uses It?
Schäuble: Merkel made ‘right decision at the right time’ | DW English

Saved Stories 

Saved Stories – None
Meadows: Investigate FBI for being ‘weaponized’ by Obama –
Meadows: Investigate FBI for being ‘weaponized’ by Obama
<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>
WND reported only months ago that Bruce Ohr, a former top Justice Department official at the center of the anti-Trump dossier scandal, confirmed the FBI was aware when it submitted the dossier as evidence to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump 
FBI agent’s account of kidnap victim’s death not backed by evidence: police
(Reuters) – The account an FBI agent who said he accidentally shot and killed a kidnap victim during a raid in January meant to rescue him is not …
FactChecking Trump’s Twitter ‘Truth’ –