Saturday, November 3, 2018

el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Reciclar abre a opciones de actividad económica - El Nuevo

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November 03, 2018
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Reciclar abre a opciones de actividad económica - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: El ojo que ve y que siente - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Silverio Pérez devela las facetas de su vida - El Nuevo - RSS Results in opinion of type article: Miseria yemení, crueldad saudí - RSS Results in opinion of type article: Lectocrimen, parte I

el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Reciclar abre a opciones de actividad económica - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
El desecho de alrededor de 18,000 neumáticos al día dramatiza la magnitud de los retos ambientales que enfrenta Puerto Rico. Obliga, además, a evaluar el estado del reciclaje en nuestro país, a la luz de las nuevas exigencias normativas y las opciones disponibles en el mercado.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: El ojo que ve y que siente - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
Reto en Nicaragua Un cura de sotana blanca y baja estatura camina por en medio de una calle desnuda de pavimento que muestra las huellas de la pobreza en las paredes desconchadas de las casas, y las de la guerra, que entonces asola a Nicaragua.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Silverio Pérez devela las facetas de su vida - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
El agradecimiento a lo vivido y el fervor por la narración que siente Silverio Pérez trascendió de las páginas de su libro “Solo cuento con el cuento que te cuento”, para contagiar a los participantes de la presentación de este trabajo y al público que se reunió para recibirlo. 
Read More - RSS Results in opinion of type article: Miseria yemení, crueldad saudí

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
El conflicto en Yemen, que lleva ya tres años y medio de iniciado, tiene un saldo “oficial” de más de 10,000 muertos, según un reciente estimado de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (Oficina del Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos, 2017).
Read More - RSS Results in opinion of type article: Lectocrimen, parte I

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
En muchas ocasiones hemos escrito sobre cómo la escuela no motiva a los estudiantes a desarrollar el amor por la lectura y que precisamente hace todo lo contrario: mata el amor por la lectura por placer.
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Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Ricardo Rosselló: "Es un tiempo bien difícil para gobernar" - El Nuevo

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November 03, 2018
Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Ricardo Rosselló: "Es un tiempo bien difícil para gobernar" - El Nuevo
Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Night of Aromas and Flavors Launches 'Rums of Puerto Rico' Campaign -
Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Puerto Rico Oversight Board complains about Rosselló's granting of tax credits - Bond Buyer
Renewable Energy - Google News: Company behind the Kyoto renewable energy park outside Scone placed into administration - Newcastle Herald
Renewable Energy - Google News: Redmond to use one hundred percent renewable energy - Redmond Reporter

Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Ricardo Rosselló: "Es un tiempo bien difícil para gobernar" - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
El gobernador Ricardo Rosselló Nevares se limita a reconocer que los tiempos que atraviesa su administracion son difíciles, pero no al punto de pensar que el barco se esté hundiendo. 
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Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Night of Aromas and Flavors Launches 'Rums of Puerto Rico' Campaign -

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Along with members of Puerto Rican distilleries and other representatives of the rum industry on the island, the secretary of the Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DEDC), Manuel A.
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Ricardo Rosselló - Google News: Puerto Rico Oversight Board complains about Rosselló's granting of tax credits - Bond Buyer

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
Bond Buyer Puerto Rico Oversight Board complains about Rosselló's granting of tax credits Bond Buyer The Puerto Rico Oversight Board objected to the government of Gov. Ricardo Rosselló granting a total of $521 million of tax credits over the last reported seven months.
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Renewable Energy - Google News: Company behind the Kyoto renewable energy park outside Scone placed into administration - Newcastle Herald

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
Newcastle Herald Company behind the Kyoto renewable energy park outside Scone placed into administration Newcastle Herald Kyoto Energy Park promised to be one of Australia's shining examples of renewable energy generation when it received fast tracked state government approval a decade ago.
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Renewable Energy - Google News: Redmond to use one hundred percent renewable energy - Redmond Reporter

Puerto Rico Topics and Daily News Review from mikenova (11 sites)
In partnership with Puget Sound Energy (PSE), the city of Redmond is purchasing 100 percent of its electricity for government operations from dedicated, local and renewable energy resources.
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FBI agents raid San Juan government offices as part of investigation into fraud, corruption

serial killers puerto rico - Google News: Florida becomes epicentre of America's polarizing politics - CTV News

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November 03, 2018
serial killers puerto rico - Google News: Florida becomes epicentre of America's polarizing politics - CTV News
crime rates puerto rico - Google News: AP News in Brief at 12:04 am EDT - Uniontown Herald Standard
crime in puerto rico 2011 - Google News: First responders recognized - Lincoln Journal Star
crime in puerto rico - Google News: First responders recognized - Lincoln Journal Star
Puerto Rico disbands mounted police unit amid recession

serial killers puerto rico - Google News: Florida becomes epicentre of America's polarizing politics - CTV News

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Florida is emerging as an epicenter of the nation's polarizing politics in the final days of the 2018 campaign. In the closely contested campaign for governor, President Donald Trump and GOP nominee Ron DeSantis have used what has been called racially coded language to slam Democrat Andrew Gillum.
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crime rates puerto rico - Google News: AP News in Brief at 12:04 am EDT - Uniontown Herald Standard

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
Florida again the epicenter of nation's polarizing politics TALLAHASSEE, Fla.
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crime in puerto rico 2011 - Google News: First responders recognized - Lincoln Journal Star

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
Suzanne Tyrrell was watching TV last winter when a news report flashed across the screen about life-saving efforts by firefighters who put their lives on the line to save others.
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crime in puerto rico - Google News: First responders recognized - Lincoln Journal Star

PRN-Crime in Puerto Rico from mikenova (14 sites)
Suzanne Tyrrell was watching TV last winter when a news report flashed across the screen about life-saving efforts by firefighters who put their lives on the line to save others.
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Puerto Rico disbands mounted police unit amid recession

Tampa Bay Times
Puerto Rico disbands mounted police unit amid recession  Tampa Bay TimesFull coverage
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Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Barcelona’s Midfielder Samper Suffers Soleus Injury in Copa del Rey Opener

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November 03, 2018
Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Barcelona’s Midfielder Samper Suffers Soleus Injury in Copa del Rey Opener
Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: EEUU ELECCIONES - Trump y Obama reclaman el mérito de la bonanza económica durante la campaña
Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: COREA DISTENSIÓN - Pionyang contempla reanudar el programa nuclear si no avanza el diálogo con EEUU
Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Veracruz retira buses para llevar a migrantes a la capital
Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: IRÁN EEUU - Irán considera que EEUU ha fracasado en su política de sanciones

Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Barcelona’s Midfielder Samper Suffers Soleus Injury in Copa del Rey Opener

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
November 03, 2018 Puerto Rico - PR PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Barcelona’s Midfielder Samper Suffers Soleus Injury in Copa del Rey Opener PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Napoli Demolishes Empoli 5-1 in Serie A PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Valverde Keeps in Mind Barça’s Disappointment to Leganes, Discusses Messi PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Pro-Brexit Donor Arron Banks Faces UK Criminal Probe over Campaign Funding PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Morelia to Take on Tigres in Much-Anticipated Mexican-League Match PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): Latin American Herald Tribune: Barcelona’s Midfielder Samper Suffers Soleus Injury in Copa del Rey Opener PRN from mikenova (108 sites) Barcelona’s Midfielder Samper Suffers Soleus Injury in Copa del Rey Opener BARCELONA – FC Barcelona’s midfielder Sergi Samper suffered a soleus injury that forced him to leave the pitch in the most recent Copa del Rey match against third-tier Cultural Leonesa, the Catalan club announced Thursday.Samper had to leave Wednesday’s match 32 minutes into the Spanish cup duel held at Estadio Reino de Leon in Leon, Spain, with substitute Carles Aleña taking Samper’s place.“Tests undertaken this morning have confirmed that Sergi Samper has a torn right soleus.” Barcelona’s statement read on the Catalan side’s official website.
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Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: EEUU ELECCIONES - Trump y Obama reclaman el mérito de la bonanza económica durante la campaña

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
El presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, y su antecesor en el cargo, el demócrata Barack Obama, se disputan el mérito de la actual situación de bonanza económica en los días previos a las elecciones legislativas del próximo martes.
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Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: COREA DISTENSIÓN - Pionyang contempla reanudar el programa nuclear si no avanza el diálogo con EEUU

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
Corea del Norte señaló que contempla la posibilidad de reanudar su programa atómico si Estados Unidos no muestra una actitud más favorable en el proceso de diálogo abierto entre ambos países para la desnuclearización de la península.
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Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Veracruz retira buses para llevar a migrantes a la capital

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
November 03, 2018 Puerto Rico - Main Current Events Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Veracruz retira buses para llevar a migrantes a la capital PRN from mikenova (108 sites): PRN-Caribbean News from mikenova (15 sites): caribbean - Google News: AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America, Caribbean - New Jersey Herald PRN from mikenova (108 sites): The World News and Times from mikenova (26 sites): 1.
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Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: IRÁN EEUU - Irán considera que EEUU ha fracasado en su política de sanciones

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
El Ministerio iraní de Asuntos Exteriores indicó hoy que Estados Unidos no ha logrado que la comunidad internacional aplique sus sanciones contra Irán, después de que eximiera temporalmente a ocho países de ellas, y que Washington no tiene herramientas para seguir presionando.
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Puerto Rico Infrastructure - BingNews: Saving hurricane-felled trees in Puerto Rico

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November 03, 2018
Puerto Rico Infrastructure - BingNews: Saving hurricane-felled trees in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: Other Views: Hidden tax hikes on the ballot - Gazettextra
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: En servicio total el Alimentador 9201-01 (BREÑAS) en Vega BAJA. …
Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: En servicio total el Alimentador 1203-01 (SAINT JUST) en Trujillo Alto. …

Puerto Rico Infrastructure - BingNews: Saving hurricane-felled trees in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Puerto Rico is facing challenges on many fronts: large debts, poor infrastructure, and an economy in tatters. Added to this, Hurricanes Irma and Maria brought the largest devastation seen on the island since the 1930s.
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Puerto Rico Infrastructure - Google News: Other Views: Hidden tax hikes on the ballot - Gazettextra

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
Millions of Americans will vote on state and local tax hikes on the Tuesday ballot.
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: En servicio total el Alimentador 9201-01 (BREÑAS) en Vega BAJA. …

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
En servicio total el Alimentador 9201-01 (BREÑAS) en Vega BAJA. … Twitter Search / AEEONLINE Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites)
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Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / AEEONLINE: En servicio total el Alimentador 1203-01 (SAINT JUST) en Trujillo Alto. …

Puerto Rico Rebuilding from mikenova (9 sites)
En servicio total el Alimentador 1203-01 (SAINT JUST) en Trujillo Alto. … Twitter Search / AEEONLINE Puerto Rico Electricity from mikenova (8 sites)
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Latin American Herald Tribune: Atletico Nacional Wins Copa Colombia, Books Spot in 2019 Copa Libertadores

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November 03, 2018
Latin American Herald Tribune: Atletico Nacional Wins Copa Colombia, Books Spot in 2019 Copa Libertadores
Latin American Herald Tribune: Uruguay Authorities Say No Serious Injuries in Prison Riot
Latin American Herald Tribune: National Soccer Coach Fears Peru May Be Suspended from FIFA
Latin American Herald Tribune: Barcelona Holds Final Practice Ahead of La Liga Clash with Rayo
Latin American Herald Tribune: Explosion Rocks Prosecutor’s Office in Colombia’s Third City

Latin American Herald Tribune: Atletico Nacional Wins Copa Colombia, Books Spot in 2019 Copa Libertadores

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
Atletico Nacional Wins Copa Colombia, Books Spot in 2019 Copa Libertadores MEDELLIN, Colombia – Atletico Nacional defeated Once Caldas 4-3 on aggregate to win the Copa Colombia and secure a berth in the 2019 edition of the Copa Libertadores, South America’s premier club soccer competition.The hard-fought final at Atanasio Girardot Stadium in this northwestern city was tied at 3-3 late in the second-half of Thursday night’s second leg and appeared to be headed for a penalty shootout, but defender Daniel Bocanegra curled in the game winner on a free kick one minute into the final stoppage-time period.Nacional took a 3-2 lead on aggregate in first-half injury time on a shot in the area by Vladimir Hernandez that ricocheted off a defender and past net minder Jose Cuadrado, who had made a phenomenal save at point-blank range in the 23rd minute.That goal appeared to be a crushing blow for the visitors, who had had to adjust their attacking scheme after losing forward David Lemos to injury in the 32nd minute.But Lemos’ replacement, Johan Carbonero, tied the aggregate score at 3-3 in the 75th minute when he managed to power a left-footed shot past Nacional keeper Cristian Vargas even though his momentum was taking him away from the goal.The two-legged final would have come down to penalties, but Bocanegra avoided a deciding shootout by scoring the winner in regulation.Cuadrado initially appeared to have kept that free kick out of the goal with a diving save, but the referee correctly ruled that the ball had crossed the line.Once Caldas and Atletico Nacional played to a 2-2 draw in last week’s first leg at Palogrande Stadium in Manizales.With its latest Copa Colombia title, Atletico Nacional has won that cup competition four times in the past seven years.
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Latin American Herald Tribune: Uruguay Authorities Say No Serious Injuries in Prison Riot

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
Uruguay Authorities Say No Serious Injuries in Prison Riot MONTEVIDEO – A disturbance inside a prison in Montevideo resulted in damage, but no significant injuries, Uruguayan officials said Friday.The trouble erupted Thursday night in Module 3 at Santiago Vazquez Prison on the west side of the capital when members of rival factions squared off.But thanks to the efforts of a female guard and the work of a negotiator, who “maintained dialogue with the inmates throughout the night,” the fight did not materialize, the Interior Ministry said.While the inmates involved in the disturbance surrendered in the wee hours of Friday, firefighters had to intervene to suppress minor blazes in some of the cells.“Of the 220 inmates who lodge in that module, 134 participated in the revolt,” the Interior Ministry said, adding that authorities will investigate to determine who instigated the riot.
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Latin American Herald Tribune: National Soccer Coach Fears Peru May Be Suspended from FIFA

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
National Soccer Coach Fears Peru May Be Suspended from FIFA LIMA – Peru national soccer coach Ricardo Gareca said on Friday that he is “very concerned” FIFA may suspend the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) if the Andean nation’s Congress passes a law undermining FIFA’s authority over the FPF.Gareca, credited for engineering Peru’s return to the World Cup in 2018 after a 36-year-long absence from the tournament, acknowledged in a press conference in Lima that this is the first time he has worried about the future of the team since taking the job.“This never happened to me in all my tenure.
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Latin American Herald Tribune: Barcelona Holds Final Practice Ahead of La Liga Clash with Rayo

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
Barcelona Holds Final Practice Ahead of La Liga Clash with Rayo BARCELONA – FC Barcelona held on Friday its final training session before traveling to Madrid, where the La Liga side was set to play Rayo Vallecano.Argentine forward Lionel Messi, who suffered a right forearm fracture during his side’s 4-2 La Liga win over Sevilla, as well as French defender Samuel Umtiti, who sustained a knee injury, joined the session as a part of their recovery process.The practice, led by head coach Ernesto Valverde, also included midfielders Arturo Vidal of Chile and Arthur Melo of Brazil along with Uruguay forward Luis Suarez, among others.Rayo is to host Barcelona on Saturday at Estadio de Vallecas in Madrid.
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Latin American Herald Tribune: Explosion Rocks Prosecutor’s Office in Colombia’s Third City

PRN-Latino News from mikenova (16 sites)
Explosion Rocks Prosecutor’s Office in Colombia’s Third City CALI, Colombia – An explosion of unknown origin rocked a regional branch of the Colombian Attorney General’s Office Friday in the southwestern city of Cali, authorities said.The Cali police commander, Gen.
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