There have deployed a large cruzacalle, toward Arecibo to San Juan, which reads: "Alejandro García Padilla history will remember you as the executioner of the workers." (Supplied)
By <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 07.07.2014 | 7:15 a.m.
A group of members of the junction Authentic Independent Union (UIA) of the Water and Sewerage Authority (AAA) Occurs in the Monday morning on the bridge of the José de Diego That highway leads to Plaza Las Americas in Hato Rey.
There have deployed a large cruzacalle, Toward Arecibo to San Juan, que reads: "Alejandro García Padilla history will remember you as the executioner of the workers."
In an interview With This newspaper, the president of the UIA, Irene Maymí Pedro Said That the demonstration is to "show outrage to Law 66 (Fiscal Sustainability and Government Operations) of" which Takes away rights acquired through collective agreements to Deal with the fiscal crisis .
"We want to let people know what will happen Alejandro García Padilla to history, as the executioner of workers. Right now there is talk of crises and are opening an office in Colombia at a cost of $ 250,000, "I added.
Irene Maymí That clarified the UIA is not work stoppage at this time. Not That rule out in the coming days was Decreed a standstill.
I Also Said That during the day some employees of the AAA will Participate in the event That the Union of Employees of the Government Development Bank (GDB) will perform against the Labor Department to report the Alleged Threats from the employer in dismissing them if They Return not to work. This group has 21 days to indefinite strike.
The Union of Employees of the Government Development Bank (GDB) will manifest in the morning before the Department of Labor to repudiate the Alleged intransigence of the employer to negotiate wage Increases and Report That They sent a letter in Which I Allegedly Threatened firings do not return to work, said Maria Teresa Rodriguez junction president.
"During the most recent attempt by the Union to reach an agreement GDB to end the conflict That has kept for 21 days on the road, this time through the arbitration process the Department of Labor, management GDB Refuses to negotiate with striking employees and, instead , delivered a letter threatening them That If They do not report to work today will be dismissed. All this, Despite The governor promised Alejandro García Padilla That there will be layoffs in the country, "Rodriguez said in a press release.
The Union Leader said the claim made beyond the Law of Fiscal and Operational Sustainability, que will take away vested rights. BGF owes He said the wage Increases That are supposed to give four years ago and there is Alleged That inaction of the employer to apply the collective agreement.
"The Union reaffirms That wage Increases That took more than four years without Receiving are fair and do not Represent a burdensome expense to the Bank or damage Their budget situation. On the Contrary, the junction Represent employees less than 25% of the total payroll expense GDB, With almost 60% of the Bank's employees, "Explained Rodriguez.
Rodriguez reiterated management BGF That Refuses to negotiate. 've Explained that last Tuesday, July 1, I had an appointment in the Department of Labor to begin the process of arbitration. said I did not eat the employer to negotiate and instead handed him the letter That They Were Allegedly Threatened with layoffs.
"The Bank has not Chosen Timely resolve a situation dating from the last administration, giving procrastinated, denoting lack of interest in just Addressing the Demands of the workers. Now I tries to bring this dispute under the recently approved Law 66 indicating That the said statute Increase prohibits any and extra payments, "I said.
“En primera instancia (el verdugo) fue Fortuño con la Ley 7 y ahora es Alejandro con la Ley 66 que es la continuación de lo que comenzó Luis Fortuño”, dijo Irene Maymí en entrevista radial (NotiUno).
Miembros de la UIA instalaron la mañana del lunes un rótulo en el que responsabilizan al gobernador de ser “verdugo de los trabajadores”, esto como parte de las actividades que llevan los sindicatos de las corporaciones públicas en rechazo a la Ley 66 de Sostenibilidad Fiscal. El cruza calle fue colocado en el puente que da acceso de Plaza Las Américas hacia la Autopista de Diego en dirección hacia Bayamón
“El país ya ha tomado conocimiento de lo nefasta que es esta ley para el país. Esto no es solo en contra de los trabajadores públicos, sino que también afecta a los empleados privados… Nuestro mensaje a nuestro pueblo es que esto no se trata de sindicatos ni de empleados públicos. Se trata de empleados, independientemente que sean públicos o privados”, indicó.
“Ciertamente esto no termina aquí. Vamos a llevar los mensajes a otras áreas. No es porque sea Plaza Las Américas, sino porque es un área de las más transitadas”, añadió al reiterar la disposición de los obreros para seguir manifestándose hasta que se entable un diálogo con el gobierno.
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