SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Nine people in Puerto Rico have been charged in a murder-for-hire plot that authorities say targeted a federal correctional officer killed in a drive-by shooting.
The U.S. Justice Department said Friday that Lt. Osvaldo Albarati Casanas was targeted because he was investigating contraband smuggling at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Guaynabo.
Albarati was killed in February 2013 as he drove home on a busy highway that was shut down for about eight hours after the shooting.
Three of the suspects are accused of hiring hit men and financing the killing.
Albarati worked 11 years for the Federal Bureau of Prisons and was previously a Puerto Rico police officer. He had a wife and three children.
Dominican Today |
US officials seize $325000 aboard ferry leaving Puerto Rico
Yahoo News SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Federal authorities say they have seized more than $325,000 in cash aboard a ferry that was traveling from Puerto Rico to the Dominican Republic. U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a statement Friday that part of ... Reports of lost migrants prompts search off Puerto RicoNew Zealand Herald Search is on for 20 Dominican boatpeople off Puerto Rico: APDominican Today 9 charged in Puerto Rico murder-for-hire prison plotYahoo News UK all 6 news articles » |
The Guardian |
Obama's policing taskforce rolls into Ohio with focus on use of force and ...
The Guardian The 12-person taskforce is charged with presenting recommendations to the White House about how to improve relations between police and communities, including overcoming racial bias in policing. The group is travelling around the US in order to ... The ... and more » | (press release) (blog) |
Reports of lost migrants prompts search off Puerto Rico (press release) (blog) SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico: (AP) - A report that migrants may have fallen off an overloaded boat off the northern coast of Puerto Rico has prompted a search of the area by the U.S. Coast Guard and island police. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Ryan Doss ... and more » |
I'm looking forward to working with our agriculture community and members of both parties to help build a practical and positive relationship between the people of Cuba and the United States.” The website of the U.S. ...
Puerto Rico Lawmakers Seek Alternatives to $2 Billion Bond Sale
Bloomberg Puerto Rico general obligations maturing in July 2035 and carrying an 8 percent coupon traded Tuesday at an average yield of 9.73 percent, or 84.8 cents on the dollar. To contact the reporter on this story: Michelle Kaske in New York at mkaske@bloomberg. and more » |
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Puerto Rico aims to insure $500 mln of $2 bln bond deal -sources
Reuters They also have exposure to the Highways & Transportation Authority," added a New York-based financial executive close to the process. While Puerto Rico planned to raise up to $2.9 billion in March, it may be able to raise only $2 billion because a ... |
US seeks 29 drug suspects in Puerto Rico, Florida, Colombia
Glens Falls Post-Star The suspects allegedly smuggled drugs from Colombia to Puerto Rico via Venezuela using go-fast vessels between November 2010 and September 2012. They said a portion of the cocaine was sold in Puerto Rico and the remainder transported to New York. and more » |
Wink News |
Puerto Rico House approves $225 million debt issue
Reuters The bill originally called for a $60 million bond issue. It was amended Thursday to increase the amount to $225 million. Another amendment allows investors to sue Puerto Rico in New York or U.S. federal courts in the event of a default. (Reporting by ... US seeks 29 drug suspects in Puerto Rico, Florida, Colombia Daytona Beach News-Journal all 49 news articles » |
News - First Ever Puerto Rico Ratha yatraby ISKCON Desire Tree
By Krishna-kripa Das One of the most visible and popular festivals celebrated by Hare Krishna devotees, Ratha-yatra, came for the first time to Puerto Rico, on December 27, 2014. Lord Jagannath,...
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How come puerto ricans are so short? Sunday January 4th, 2015 at 5:32 PM PR Di... by Puerto Rico Business News
How come puerto ricans are so short?
Sunday January 4th, 2015 at 5:32 PM
PR Discussion Forum - Topix
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142 Comments, last updated on Sunday Jan 4 by Zen
The ‘Perfect Human’ Doesn't Live in Puerto Rico (or Any Other Country) by Ángel …

The ‘Perfect Human’ Doesn't Live in Puerto Rico - and other news stories | How come puerto ricans are so short? | GOVERNMENT TO APPEAL DORAL RULING
Sunday January 4th, 2015 at 5:32 PM
PR Discussion Forum - Topix
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142 Comments, last updated on Sunday Jan 4 by Zen
The ‘Perfect Human’ Doesn't Live in Puerto Rico (or Any Other Country) by Ángel …

The ‘Perfect Human’ Doesn't Live in Puerto Rico - and other news stories | How come puerto ricans are so short? | GOVERNMENT TO APPEAL DORAL RULING
Murder Fraud Conspiracy Haunt Doral Bank In Puerto Rico After FBI ... by Justin... by Puerto Rico Business News
Murder Fraud Conspiracy Haunt Doral Bank In Puerto Rico After FBI ... by Justin Streight
Sunday January 4th, 2015 at 4:26 PM
Puerto Rico - Google Blog Search
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On Tuesday, the FBI raided the IT offices of Doral Bank in Puerto Rico, citing …

Murder Fraud Conspiracy Haunt Doral Bank In Puerto | Puerto Rico police seize a record 110 weapons
Sunday January 4th, 2015 at 4:26 PM
Puerto Rico - Google Blog Search
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On Tuesday, the FBI raided the IT offices of Doral Bank in Puerto Rico, citing …

Murder Fraud Conspiracy Haunt Doral Bank In Puerto | Puerto Rico police seize a record 110 weapons
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Improving access to justice in Florida Our Florida commission will have a head start in its search for solutions learning from 32 states, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, where similar initiatives addressing access to justice are already in place. We will also focus on ... and more » |
San Diego Free Press |
A View on Cuba's Opening From the De Facto US Colony of Puerto Rico
San Diego Free Press Puerto Rico–whose agricultural economy was gutted to create a light-manufacturing model in the 1950s that featured a hefty dose of external investment capital–was a dry run for free-trade policies like NAFTA. U.S. corporations experimented with off ... |
Fitch Maintains Watch Negative on Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority ... -... by Puerto Rico Business News
Fitch Maintains Watch Negative on Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority ... - Business Wire (press release)
Fitch Maintains Watch Negative on Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority ...
Business Wire (press release)

Fitch Maintains Watch Negative on Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority ... - Business Wire (press release)
Fitch Maintains Watch Negative on Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority ...
Business Wire (press release)

Fitch Maintains Watch Negative on Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority ... - Business Wire (press release)
This Year in San Juan? - Making the Move from Miami to Puerto Rico - JD Supra (p... by Puerto Rico Business News
This Year in San Juan? - Making the Move from Miami to Puerto Rico - JD Supra (press release)
This Year in San Juan? - Making the Move from Miami to Puerto Rico
JD Supra (press release)
Since 2012, more than 200 business owners have relocated their …

This Year in San Juan? - Making the Move from Miami to Puerto Rico - JD Supra (press release)
This Year in San Juan? - Making the Move from Miami to Puerto Rico
JD Supra (press release)
Since 2012, more than 200 business owners have relocated their …

This Year in San Juan? - Making the Move from Miami to Puerto Rico - JD Supra (press release)
Puerto Rico greets record cruise ship visitors - Macon Telegraph (blog) Puerto... by Puerto Rico Business News
Puerto Rico greets record cruise ship visitors - Macon Telegraph (blog)
Puerto Rico greets record cruise ship visitors
Macon Telegraph (blog)
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico is welcoming nearly 15,800 cruise ship passengers on the last day of …

Puerto Rico greets record cruise ship visitors - Macon Telegraph (blog)
Puerto Rico greets record cruise ship visitors
Macon Telegraph (blog)
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico is welcoming nearly 15,800 cruise ship passengers on the last day of …

Puerto Rico greets record cruise ship visitors - Macon Telegraph (blog)
Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico poised to sign sweeping pact, EFE
Dominican Today San Juan .- Puerto Rico Secretary of State David Bernier said Thursday that agreements on trade, on exchange of information and education with Dominican Republic to be announced next week will bolster both economies, EFE reports. "The benefit here is ... and more » |
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Bloomberg |
Miami Billionaire Condo King Perez Says Cuba Embargo Must Go
Bloomberg Miami billionaire Jorge Perez says an end to a U.S. economic embargo on Cuba could help turn Havana into a mecca for real estate investment. Perez ... Demand for second homes will be much bigger than the Bahamas, Puerto Rico or Dominican Republic.”. What will become of baseball's decline in Cuba? The field might open further ...Charlotte Observer Miami Condo King Says Cuba Embargo Must GoFinancial Advisor Magazine The Cuban Opening And Struggles For New Social Order - OpEdEurasia Review all 148 news articles » |
Power, Politics and Journalism in Puerto Rico
CounterPunch Our mission is to serve as a catalyst for Puerto Rico's transformation into a vibrant society andeconomy by driving entrepreneurship and innovation”, according to its LinkedIn profile (11). Another member of the Foundation's advisory board is the ... |
Power, Politics and Journalism in Puerto Rico - CounterPunch Power, Politics an... by Puerto Rico Business News
Power, Politics and Journalism in Puerto Rico - CounterPunch
Power, Politics and Journalism in Puerto Rico
GFR Media runs three local daily newspapers, including El Nuevo Día, Puerto Rico's most widely read paper, and 10 business web …

Power, Politics and Journalism in Puerto Rico - CounterPunch
Power, Politics and Journalism in Puerto Rico
GFR Media runs three local daily newspapers, including El Nuevo Día, Puerto Rico's most widely read paper, and 10 business web …

Power, Politics and Journalism in Puerto Rico - CounterPunch
Among other things, the memorandum indicates that they intend to “strengthen and promotebusiness development, knowledge transfer and cooperation in medical services, education and infrastructure.” Further, Puerto Rico ...
Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic on path to boost historic ties
Dominican Today García and senior officials have repeatedly stressed that despite the importance of traditionaleconomic ties with the US, the new world opens up great opportunities for Puerto Rico to expandeconomic exchange with other countries becomes more evident ... |
Why the United States Controls Guantanamo Bay
TIME When the war ended, Spain gave the U.S. control of Cuba — among other territories, like Puerto Rico — and, about three years later, Cuba became an independent nation. However, that independence was not without a catch: as part ... 12, 1960, issue ... and more » |
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Puerto Rico seeks economic advice from NY Fed official The government said in a statement Thursday that Orr was invited as part of an ongoing push to meet with experts about how best to solve Puerto Rico's economic problems. The island is in its eighth year of recession and has $73 billion in public debt. and more » |
Puerto Rico legislators seek economic advice from NY Fed official - Fox Business... by Puerto Rico Business News
Puerto Rico legislators seek economic advice from NY Fed official - Fox Business
Puerto Rico legislators seek economic advice from NY Fed official
Fox Business
James Orr says Puerto Rico should improve the performance of its state-owned corporations …

Puerto Rico legislators seek economic advice from NY Fed official - Fox Business
Puerto Rico legislators seek economic advice from NY Fed official
Fox Business
James Orr says Puerto Rico should improve the performance of its state-owned corporations …

Puerto Rico legislators seek economic advice from NY Fed official - Fox Business
The Week in Public Finance: Puerto Rico Update, a Comeback for Cities and ...
Governing “The decline to $1.09 billion -- 17 percent below the GDB's October liquidity projection -- underscores the continually growing liquidity pressures that the GDB and the Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico, for which GDB serves as fiscal agent and fund ... |
Puerto Rico's Government And Assorted Agencies Are Running Out Of Money
Seeking Alpha (registration) A noted analyst on Puerto Rico at Janney Montgomery Scott, starkly stated that "growing debt and a contracting economy (in Puerto Rico) is an unsustainable condition. It seems very unlikely that PREPA will be the last case of restructuring for Puerto ... |
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